Ideas can take years to incubate. At least that is what happens to me. This story began many moons ago. Was it one year, two years, or more? I honestly can’t remember. What I do remember is that one day I found four brass English wall plaques at a thrift store. They were 75 cents each. Says I to myself, “I think these would make wonderful chargers.”
You have seen them. They are the English plaques that at one time hung on a bazillion walls in homes all across America. English and Welch scenes were stamped into each brass plate. It was not cool to hang one plate by itself, so do the math. A bazillion homes times two, or four, or six, or more, and you soon realize that there are plenty of these vintage plates in America. Or so I thought. I have not found any since that day. Well, I have probably seen some, but I guess I was spoiled by paying 75 cents, and I keep looking for bargains.
This week I began thinking of decorating a fall table that was not filled with pumpkins. Brass has such warmth, and I thought about my “chargers” that had never been used.
Perhaps the gold trimmed Lenox Garden Gate luncheon plates will look good sitting in the “brass charger”. From what I read, this pattern was discontinued in the late 1940’s. I love these plates with the grey urns filled with fruit decorating the edge of each plate. That reminds me of fall.
I am not planning a party, and I do not have a reason to set the table. I am just playing house. Like I said. It takes time for ideas to incubate.
Blessings to you and yours,