While driving home from Pampa on Interstate 40, we saw a billboard encouraging us to visit Shamrock, Texas to see the Historic Conoco Tower Service Station. There were several claims to fame for this service station – “Listed on the National Register of Historic Places” and “As seen in movies.”
“P-l-e-a-s-e. It is only a few miles out of our way.”
Ever-Lovin’ made the turn, and I am glad he did.
At the intersection of former Route 66 and Highway 84 sits the restored Tower Conoco gas station. Be still my heart. Who would’ve thought that little Shamrock, Texas would have this fantastic example of art deco architecture?
The original station and cafe were built in 1936 and were designed by Pampa architect J.C. Berry. Times were hard in this area in the 1930’s and a service station such as this was seldom to be seen. Adjoining the service station was a restaurant called U-Drop Inn.
The building features two flared towers with geometric detailing, curvilinear massing, glazed ceramic tile walls, and neon light accents. It has traditionally held two separate business: “Tower Station”, a gas station on the western side, and the “U-Drop Inn”, a café on the eastern side. (Wikipedia)
These are early pictures of the Tower Station found online.
After the Tower Station was listed on the National Registry of Historic Places in 1997, it was bought by the First National Bank of Shamrock. The bank then gifted the station to the City of Shamrock. With the aid of a 1.7 million dollar federal grant, the Tower Station was restored to its former glory. It now houses the Chamber of Commerce and is a Visitor’s Center.
In this picture, you can see more of the details on the towers.
While researching this post I discovered an interesting online magazine. It is called Texas Escapes (texasescapes.com). There is boatloads of information and facts about places to visit in Texas. There were pictures of the Tower Station outlined by green neon lights on this site. (The picture was taken by Noel Kerns). I wish I could see this at night.
Another Noel Kerns photograph shows a closeup of the building. Wonderful.
Do you know which movie was inspired by the Conoco Tower Station in Shamrock, Texas?
Yes, “Ramone’s Body Shop” in the Disney/Pixar movie “Cars” got its inspiration from the Tower Service Station.
So glad we drove through Shamrock, Texas. Maybe next time it won’t be on a Sunday, and we can visit inside.
Blessings to you and yours,