Suzanne and Leslie invited the group to their home after our Friday night dinner. It is unbelievable all they did for our 50th Class Reunion. Not only were they in charge of planing the entire reunion, but they also had a gathering in their home, and provided Tortilla Roll-Ups for a gathering on Saturday afternoon. Amazing! Thank you so very much!
Leslie and Suzanne have the perfect home for entertaining. – It is an open floor plan with big humongous rooms – plus they are the most gracious couple.
You have to know that the Andrews Mustang’s colors are black and gold – so that was the basic inspiration for her snack table (island). Suzanne is a woman after my own heart. Her daughter brought her some darling serving bowls from a party shop in San Angelo, and they played around and arranged the snack bar the week-end before the reunion. Leslie wondered aloud if she was going to leave the arrangement for the entire week? You and I know the answer. “Yes.” Once it was done she did not want to mess it up or forget how it was done. I so agree. Been there – done that.
The yellow roses were beautiful. Fresh flowers make things so festive.
Here is a close-up of the cute serving bowls. They are clear plastic with black polk-a-dots. Aren’t the purdy? They appeared to be sheets of plastic folded to make a container. The great thing about these bowls is that even with the high style, they were extremely useful. They held plenty of dip, and getting to the dips was easy.
Food almost appeared to be floating on the table.
Even the white brownie tray had dots.
For a different look, there was the black and white zebra tray. Pepper jelly over cream cheese makes a wonderful spread for crackers.
Using different patterns of bowls and napkins in the decor made the setting interesting. I liked it!
Good looking.
Thank you Suzanne and Leslie for a wonderful party after the party. We had a grand time, and your snack bar was fantastic.
Blessings to you and yours,
Suzanne brought some Tortilla Roll-Ups to the get together on Saturday afternoon. They were a big hit (people could not stop eating them), and I got the recipe to share with you. They are pretty and delicious – you can’t eat just one.
Disclaimer: I wrote this recipe in my notes section on my phone. Hopefully I got it right. I do know that this is the type of recipe you can make your own. These were a little different than the roll-ups I had eaten before, and I liked them. Adding green chilies, green olives, and pecans to the filling made the roll-ups pretty and tasty.
Suzanne's Tortilla Roll-Ups

By July 30, 2013
Published:Tortillas are filled with a flavorful cream cheese filling of green chilies, green olives and pecans. Easy and delicious.
- 1 8 ounce package cream cheese
- 1 8 ounce containter sour cream
- 1 4 ounce can diced green chilies drained
- 1/2 cup green olives with pimentos drained and chopped
- 1/2 cup pecans chopped
- 8 flour tortillas
- salsa optional; for dipping
- Combine cream cheese and sour cream until smooth.
- Stir in drained chopped green chilies, chopped green olives with pimentos, and pecans.
- Spread mixture on flour tortillas.
- Roll tortillas and slice in 3/4 inch rounds.
- You can serve with salsa
- Suzanne says these are so easy, and you can make them in advance.