The kind lady who left her home and contents to First Baptist Church Richardson’s Building Fund would be so pleased. Ann and her crew of lay people (women and men) spent countless hours preparing and manning the sale. When the dust settled, I believe the total for the sale was almost $40,000, and they still have the house to sell. (Four people have indicated serious interest in the home.) PLUS: At the end, several items and appliances went to the new mission house. Wouldn’t the kind lady be pleased to know that that her generosity has benefited our church and its mission endeavors.
Not only did this dedicated crew raise money for the Building Fund, they represented our church and the Lord to everyone who walked through those doors. This would not have been possible if they had used an outside estate liquidator.
What I heard over and over again is how much fun everyone had working the sale. The fireplaces were roaring, and vintage music was played through the intercom. They had a party going on! Made me a little sad because I would have loved, loved, loved joining in the fun.
So… I bought me something. Yes, it was an impulse buy.
It was half-price day (Why do I always have the need to justify?), and I thought this pair of lamps might fit in with my new grey sofa in the den or maybe even upstairs in the front bedroom. I asked Ann to take a phone order, and she was happy to do so. Now I have to tell you.
One of the things that appeal to me about these lamps is that the urns are decorated with dogwoods. Nothing is prettier than the beginning of spring when the dogwoods bloom. Have you heard the Legend of the Dogwood? Each spring when the dogwoods bloom, I think of this legend, and how the blossoms represent our Lord crucified.
The Legend of the Dogwood
At the time of the crucifixion, the dogwood had reached the size of the mighty oak tree. So strong and firm was the wood that it was chosen as the timber for Jesus’ cross.
To be used for such a cruel purpose greatly distressed the dogwood. While nailed upon it, Jesus sensed this, and in his compassion said. “Because of your pity for my suffering, never again shall the dogwood tree grow large enough to be used for a cross. Henceforth, it shall be slender, bent, and twisted, and its blossoms shall be in the form of a cross–two long and two short petals.
“In the center of the outer edge of each petal will be the print of nails. In the center of the flower, stained with blood, will be a crown of thorns so that all who see it will remember.”
See why I was drawn to these lamps.
I love the lamps, but do want to change the lamp shades to something a little more modern. For one thing, these shades are huge. In fact they are huger than huge.
We went to shopping yesterday to find new shades, and there was one that I thought might work, but there was only one of said lamp shade on the shelf – only one and of course – we need two new lamp shades. Murphy’s Law!
I do hope these lamps work because they will always be a reminder to me of the kind lady who generously gave her home and it’s contents to the First Baptist Church Richardson’s Building Fund. These lamps will also be a reminder of the many men and women who worked endless hours to show God’s love to all that entered the sale.
Blessings to you and yours,
It is good to be back!