After our delicious and filling lunch at Hattie’s, we thought it would do our bodies good to stroll through a couple of shops in the Bishop Arts District. Around the corner from Hattie’s, we noticed the most interesting art gallery called Artisan’s Collective.
The gallery’s website says that it represents over 150 Dallas area artisans. Visiting the Artisan’s Collective is great fun in that you can find a vast range of mediums represented here.
What caught our eye initially were the sculptures made from various household objects.
Puppy dog is so clever – roller skates for feet, a lunch box for the body, a movie camera for the head, a shoe horn for the tongue, and an old baseball for the ears. I particularly like the old tape measure for the leash.
Another piece made from found objects was this colorful fish.
Various types of paintings and sculptures were offered.
I do believe that Artisan’s Collective offers something for everyone.
Hearts decorated several of the pieces. What different Valentines these would make.
A pottery head was a beautiful and impressive. Maybe it could be called a head vase. I can only imagine what effort it took to create this piece. There are so many details and different textures.
These orbs are one piece of art. What an unique sculpture.
Some of my favorite pieces were these angels.
What an unbelievable piece of art. These “jeans” are cast concrete. I could not believe it. What a statement these would make is someone’s home.
Artisan Collective was filled with plenty of eye candy with so many different artists and mediums represented.
Missing from my picture are pieces of jewelry. There were many jewelry artist in this gallery. Why do I forget to take pictures of the jewelry? I have no excuse.
I strongly encourage you to browse through Artisan Collective when visiting Bishop Arts District.
Blessings to you and yours,