The Christmas season chould not pass without me sharing some of the Christmas vignettes in Mrs. Ralph’s home. I love all the arrangements on her tables and shelves. I kid you not. I have enough pictures for many many blogs, and I am going to basically let the pictures do the talking.
A sled sitting atop the dining room table holds a decorated urn, and a stately nutcracker.
In the living room, the mantle is flanked by two large urns holding pretty Christmas greenery and large gold ornaments. The polk-a-dot stockings give a wonderful pop of color.
Here is another view of the mantle.
This arrangement is so colorful.
Santa’s red and black checked robe and sleigh are wonderful.
There are so many details in Mrs. Ralph’s home. I love the small wrapped package tied with a tartan bow.
Rather than one large Christmas tree, Mrs. Ralph has several trees throughout her home.
Under this tree is a red wagon filled with presents , a Teddy Bear, and an Old World Santa.
Be still my heart. This might be my favorite vignette in Mrs. Ralph’s home. It is the tartan ice bucket that steals my heart.
I just had to show you one more picture. I like it. I love it.
Another fantastic tartan Santa is on this table.
This tartan Santa even sits in a tartan wingback chair.
This is another view of this arrangement.
I believe the trim on this Santa is also a tartan plaid.
The guest bathroom is decorated. The touches of Christmas in this room are so inviting. Little fox in tartan sits atop a tartan pillow. I love the black velvet chair!
On the chest is a Santa in a traditional Scottish tartan kilt and bagpipes.
A tartan bow accents the horse head towel holder.
The shelves in the bathroom also have touches of tartan.
On the top shelf, Santa is coming down the chimney.
I do love this angel.
To my surprise, there were even decorations behind the door. A black velvet riding hat, and a jingle bell wreath hang on the hooks.
The tartan bedding in one guest bedroom takes my breath away. I love this room.
As the party was winding down, Mrs. Ralph brought out this tin, and said, “I knew you would like this.” Yes, I like it. I love it! The tartan tin with the Scottish bagpiper just fits in her home.
There are so many vignettes in Mrs. Ralph’s home, and they all work together well. See why I call her Mrs. Ralph. I do believe she channels Ralph Lauren in her decor.
This posting could have been several blogs, but… I wanted to share during this Christmas season. Yes, Mrs. Ralph can decorate, but she is also a dear friend to all who know her. That is why visiting in her home is a blessing.
Blessings to you and yours,
Thank you again for letting me share.