Mikel is Number One Son’s sweet wife, and she is a woman after my own heart. She loves to decorate for Christmas. We stopped by their home a few days ago, and I had to get Trusty Camera. In the midst of practicing and singing in the church’s Carols’ presentation, she found time to display her Christmas pretties.
On the front door is Mikel’s mesh wreath. The green mesh, red plaid, and burlap ribbons are so festive. The Santa has reason to be jolly. He is surrounded by this wreath.
Super Sister gave them an early Christmas present. The Santa This Way sign is perfect for the entry to their home.
See why the sign is so perfect. On the entry table is a collection of Santas. One feels welcomed when greeted by all these Santas.
Mikel said Hot Rod arranged his nutcracker collection on the living room coffee table. Great job Hot Rod!
The arrangement on the dining room table is beautiful.
What a cut idea to put Christmas treat bags in the glasses. I like that idea.
Sweet Mother of Pearl. Lennox Disney Christmas plates are perfect for this family. I like them. I love them.
The Christmas Village makes me nostalgic. Many of these buildings were inherited from my mother. I am so thankful they are still in the family, and have a home that loves them. They look fantastic atop the piano.
What a darling vignette on this dining room shelf.
Hot Rod has a collection of stuffed Christmas animals. It makes me laugh to see them resting in the family rocker.
This former reading teacher loves the basket filled with Christmas books.
Snowmen have invaded the den. They are so cute.
It warms my heart that Mikel is creating family memories for her family. Their home is warm and inviting.
As I was leaving, Number One Son said, “Did you see Tiki?” Truthfully I had missed him because he was on the floor of the entry. Number One Son sent me this picture tonight because my image was not good. This was his major contribution to the Christmas decor. How cute is that? – Tiki wearing a Santa hat.
We are blessed by our family. For that I am thankful.
Blessings to you and yours,