There wasn’t just one Santa. As Ever-Lovin’ would say, There was a “plethora” of Santas visiting the Richardson Women’s Club this week. I was impressed. Tonna has the most wonderful collection of Santas I have ever seen. A little backstory about her collection. Tonna’s sister is the artist and craftswoman of most of the Santas in Tonna’s collection. She would take a basic Santa, and remake him by adding handmade clothing, and accessories.
The centerpiece for each table was a different Santa.
The detail on each costume is remarkable. This Santa had a fur trimmed red velvet coat with a matching hat. He was wearing a sweater, and he had green striped pants with fur cuffs. His leather belt had a brass belt buckle.
This St. Nick is delivering decorated Christmas trees.
I loved the gold trim on his coat.
This Santa has a pack full of toys to deliver to good girls and boys. He is keeping warm with mittens and a fur trimmed coat. I bet there are moose at the North Pole.
Take Time to Smell the Coffee. I like it. I love it.
I think of this Santa as being a more traditional Santa. He was gorgeous!
There were Santa’s everywhere. This one sported a fur coat, a red plaid shirt, a leather saddle bag, a leather hat, boots, and a lantern.
I would think that this Santa is a fur trader.
This Santa reminds me of a wizard. How charming!
The tartan Santa has his arms filled with a doll, a Teddy bear, and a Christmas tree.
Santa’s even graced the bathrooms.
One of my favorites was this Cowboy Santa. The leather vest and cowboy boots are wonderful. He even has a saddle, his leather cup, and a rope. I especially like that he is carrying a cross.
Tonna’s favorite small Santa is this jolly elf on snow skis. The detail is amazing.
What an elegant Santa!
Just look at this Santa. The Living Stones class bird is the cardinal. We all loved the cardinal on this Santa’s shoulder.
I have not shown you all of the beautiful Santas Tonna brought to the party. I am sure I missed some, but you can tell what an amazing collection Tonna has.
Seeing Tonna’s Santas was like visiting a Santa exhibit in a museum. Tonna’s sister is super talented. Tonna says she is retiring his year.
Having Santas on the table certainly set the mood for a fun filled evening.
Blessings to you and yours,