For more Christmas seasons than I can numerate, The Living Stones have had an annual Christmas Party. What memories these parties have generated.
This year Tonna used her clout at the Richardson Women’s Club, and we gathered at the clubhouse for a special night of gorgeous decorations, delicious food, the legendary ornament exchange, and enough Santa gifts to fill Lauren’s SUV.
The tables were set with the most gorgeous Santas I have ever seen. (I will give you a close-up of these Santas in another blog.)
Light appetizers were served as the guest arrived.
The cheese cups topped with bacon were delicious.
There was a Cheddar cheese ball. (Recipe from A+in Cooking). I will share.
And crackers with Manchego cheese and quince paste. Yummy!
Tonna’s pecans were fantastic!
For something healthy, we had a veggie tray.
You will want to remember this idea. Excellent Cook Nancy always has the best ideas. The drinks were called Snow Globes. Small snowflakes sprinkles were in each glass of our “champagne”.
After our delicious meal from The Chocolate Angel, we sang carols. I show you these pictures, because we did not get a group picture this year.
I love starting the Christmas season by singing Christmas carols. So many in this group are in the choir, and they can sing.
Then we had the famous ornament exchange. Ann and her crew have been doing this for so many years that they have it well organized.
We don’t do the stealing thing. Each gift has a number, and each person draws a number. You get the gift that matches your number.
Then we o-o-0-0-h-h and a-a-a-a-h-h at the beautiful ornaments brought each year.
Laughter is in ample supply during the ornament exchange.
It is amazing how some people get ornaments that are perfect for them. Excellent Cook Nancy has an old Singer sewing machine, and this is the ornament she got.
At the end of the night, Lauren (our adopted CPS worker) filled her SUV with Christmas presents for her children. Each member of the class supplies gifts for one of the children under Lauren’s watch.
What a wonderful night! We will always remember the night we celebrated at the Richardson Women’s Club. The Living Stones are blessed. We have been through much together, and our new members add so much to our class. Every time we are together is a blessing.
you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.1 Peter 2:5
Blessings to you and yours,
I have more to share, but this is enough for this blog.
Thank you Tonna and friends for planning a wonderful party.