Mostly by Excellent Cook Nancy.
Tonight I feel blessed, inspired, and challenged.
On this Sunday morning in the Living Stones Bible Fellowship class, Sara from Neighbor’s Table shared her personal journey of discovering her life’s calling. By identifying her spiritual gift of evangelism and prayerfully intepretating it in her own life, she has created a ministry that serves 500 people a year around her backyard table.
Last year, the Living Stones were blessed to share a meal around Sara’s table. I shared our experience HERE.
On this day, Excellent Cook Nancy sent out her weekly class summary email sharing the happenings of the day. Excellent Cook Nancy so captured what Sara’s said that I asked her if she would let me use her words in today’s blog. She graciously said yes, and I am so thankful because she captured Sara’s voice so well.
The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it. (1 Thessalonians 5:24)
In 2011, Sarah Harmeyer leaned on this Bible verse as she began reshaping her life back into Christ. She had moved to Dallas from Houston and was overwhelmed with the move, her new job, and everything else that goes with a lifestyle change. After taking a test for her spiritual gift, she quickly learned that that it was evangelism. What did that look like for her? She was to be a “people gatherer” both inside and outside of the church! To become a “people gatherer,” she needed to let go of perfectionism, competition, exhaustion as a status symbol, and control. She began to concentrate on “being” before “doing.”
Each year she chooses a word for the year instead of a New Year’s resolution. In 2012, she chose the word “community.” Since she was new to Dallas and knew very few, she decided to have a party for 300 folks in her neighborhood known as SoHip (South of Highland Park)! Invites were sent out to people that she had never met, and 91 came for the first gathering at her table!!
This is not just any table! It is a rough-hewn table that seats 20. It takes up the major part of her small backyard and was handmade by her father who lives in Houston (he has since crafted ten tables). When folks gather around her table, she uses this as an opportunity to “bless” instead of “impress.” She always poses a question that people answer while sitting together. (Examples: What does faithfulness mean to you? What is your dream?) This is the time to do more “listening” than “talking.” This should be the time to serve each other—also a time to tell something good about everyone.
The word for 2013 became “responsibility” when Sarah put herself on a $75 monthly budget for her gatherings. Potluck meals have always appeared and have been shared by all.
The word for 2014 is “story” because everyone has a story that needs to be shared at the table. Over 1500 people have shared stories and food at Sarah’s table in the last three years, and in the last year, she has been able to share her story with over 6000 people. Her goal is to have a “Neighbor’s Table” in all 50 states by 2020. Only two states with a table have been pinned on her map, but who knows what God has planned.
Sarah painted a picture of God leaning over the balcony of Heaven watching us. What is the “yes” that we need to answer? How can we learn to let Jesus speak through us? What gift does each of us have? Mercy? Knowledge?
We were so pleased that our dear friend Jill (Sara’s sister) joined us also. Jill is our original contact at Mercy Street. Both of these young ladies have so much to share with us. Knowing both of them is a gift.
Sara is living the life we have been exploring in our Connect series of lessons. It is good to see this concept in action.
Blessings to you and yours,
To read more about Neighbor’s Table check out Sara’s Facebook and Twitter pages.
Thank you Excellent Cook Nancy for sharing.