I had heard of Cronuts (registered trademark) – the hybrid between a donut and a croissant. They have been the rage in New York City since May of 2013 when they were created at the Domniique Ansel Bakery. From what I hear people wait in line for hours to have the opportunity to buy these pastries.
Then one morning Dominique Ansel was on Good Morning America. He has written a cookbook, and in his book he shares the recipe for Cronuts. You could go online and get the recipe. Wow! I immediately went to the Good Morning America webpage to get the recipe. I am not kidding – The recipe was ten (yes 10) pages long. The basic Cronut recipe was 5 pages long, and the filling recipes were on the final five pages.
Clue number one that this was not a recipe for me – Difficulty level: Extreme
If that was not enough to scare me away, Clue number two: Preparation time: at least three days (really!)
Clues number 3+: Several times during the recipe it mentions that that step must be done to perfection for the Cronut to be a successful Cronut. You make a mistake – fuhgeddaboudit. You will not have a Cronut. After two and a half days, a single mistake could wipe out all your hard work.
I was sharing my tale of woe with friends when friend Excellent Cook Nancy said – “Oh, I think you can buy Cronuts or rather Croissant Doughnuts in Dallas now.”
Well, when I got home, I Googled “croissant donuts Dallas”, and guess what I found? Croissant doughnuts.
Jarams Donuts appeared to be a popular shop for these doughnuts, and Eater Dallas proclaimed it one of the 12 best places for donuts in our fair city. The other positive was that it was almost in our neighborhood.
Jarams is on Preston Road at Summerside in a strip shopping center. On the building, the sign read “Donuts”. That is it. Jarams is a small establishment, and you can only see the name of the donut shop on the storefront window.
There they were in the case – croissant donuts. That is why we came. These were the three flavors we picked – Nutella, Bacon Maple, and Peanut Butter and Jelly. Now, I have no way to know if these taste anything close to the Cronuts in NYC, but these were very good. You could not pick them up and eat them like a regular donut, and the little plastic knife that they offered had a difficult time slicing through all the buttery delicious layers of the croissant donut.
They also had “Rockies” which were funnel cake donuts. There were plenty of flavor choices. I want to try one of these next time.
Plus there were plenty of regular cake and glazed donut choices. This was Hot Rod’s pick on this day – a cake donut iced with chocolate. He said it was very good.
The kolaches were excellent. Sweet Mother of Pearl. Look at this pastry. The cheese and sausage Kolache is sliced and fanned out to form this. I liked being able to pull off a section.
Mikel is a bacon lover, and she got the bacon dog. She loved it!
Kolache choices included sausage, sausage and cheese, sausage with jalapeños, and I think there were more choices. The dough surrounding the sausages is lighter than most kolache dough.
Jarams is a very popular donut shop, and there was a steady stream of customers during the entire time we were there. We were lucky and got to sit at one of the two tables in Jarams.
Again, I do not know if the croissant donuts at Jarams are anything like the Cronuts in New York, but I do know that buying a croissant donut at Jarams is a LOT easier than trying to bake my own Cronut.
Blessings to your and yours,