Anna wrote, “I know you ike Blue Bell, but have you tried Talenti gelato? It is available from Target, Albertson’s, and Kroger, and probably many other stores, but WalMart and Brookshire’s are down here and no Talenti Gelato….of any flavor. Our salesman in Arlington says that hands down, the best flavor is Sea Salt Caramel.
Just sayin’!”
No, I had not tried Talenti gelato. In fact, I did not know Talenti gelato existed, but you can bet that the next time I visited the Krogers, I headed straight to the freezer cases, and found me some Talenti gelato. To my delight, it was even on sale. (Even on sale it is still more expensive that Blue Bell.)
I bought two pints – Sea Salt Caramel and Southern Butter Pecan. Sweet Mother of Pearl! I like it. I love it.
The plastic containers that have screw top lids are great. For Your Information: You can certainly reuse the containers, but the company says that they are not microwave or dishwasher safe.
Just in case you are wondering about the difference between ice cream and gelato, this is the information from the Talenti website:
Gelato contains less air (also known as overrun) than ice cream, making the flavors much more intense. (Lucky you!) Gelato also has a higher percentage of solids (chocolate/caramel/pure cane sugar), giving it a smooth, velvety texture. It also has less fat than ice cream (since there’s less cream and more milk).
How interesting that gelato has less fat. Talenti gelato is so smooth and creamy that I could have sworn it was richer.
Talenti gelato is delicious. The flavors do seem to be more intense. The Sea Salt Caramel has chunks of chocolate salted caramels, and there are plenty of pecans in the Southern Butter Pecan. I now know why Anna wrote. This gelato is yummy!
Talenti gelato’s tagline is “better ingredients make happy spoons.” Well, I can tell you that it is not only the spoons that are happy. My mouth was beyond pleased. Talenti gelato is a treat!
Thank you Anna for the tip. We enjoyed Talenti gelato so much that I have now restocked our freezer.
Of course Talenti does not know me. I am just sharing.
Blessings to you and yours,
In case anyone is wondering. (I hope someone wondered.) Most of you did not receive a blog yesterday due to human error. My error to be exact. I wrote the blog. Ever-Lovin’ read over the blog, and then I forgot to post the blog. So on this day, you will probably get two blogs. So sorry.