I didn’t know. Evidently a lot of people do not know. In Dallas, Texas at Fair Park is the Texas State Vietnam Memorial, and it has been there twenty-five years come this November. Live and learn.
While standing in line to buy coupons at the State Fair of Texas, I noticed these wreaths. I left Ever-Lovin’ in line and told him I was going to explore.
Hanging between two trees was this large flag – Texas State Vietnam Memorial. That got my attention. I continued my quest, and what I found was the Texas State Vietnam Memorial. Really!
On down the path was this plaque. I could not believe that I had lived in Dallas, Texas (metroplex) all these many, many years, and I did not know the memorial existed. It is a permanent memorial not just an exhibit for the State Fair. In fact, the Texas State Vietnam Memorial was dedicated on November 11, 1989. This year will mark the twenty-fifth anniversary. I ran back to tell Betty and Ever-Lovin’, and (of course) they wanted to visit it also.
Down the path were five Texas granite slabs listing the names of all the Texans that were killed or listed as missing in action from the Vietnam War. This kind veteran was volunteering on this day. When we mentioned that we had no idea this Vietnam Memorial existed, he said he hears that all the time. I for one want to spread the word, and I hope more people will plan to visit.
Ever-Lovin’ found the name of one of his classmates – Robert Dale Pullen.
The gentleman gave us a flag to put by Robert’s name to honor him. Seeing all these names (I think there are 3,417) is very moving. Now I wish we had put a flag by every name.
A waterfall runs behind the memorial and it is known as “The Wall”.
The memorial is located near the automobile building across the lagoon from the Music Hall. I am proud to know that the Texas State Vietnam Memorial exists, and it is in Dallas, Texas. It not only honors those that gave the ultimate sacrifice – it also honors all who serve.
Blessings to you and yours,