Some post are destined to be continued….
More than one of you asked how to get the Bible that Neighbor Jim shared with me. This Bible provides “step by step how to share your faith.” Inside the Bible is a link to the Time to Revive website where you can purchase the Bibles. There are even options to buy packs of 5 with ten armbands or a case of 66 Bibles.
This is the concise information provided on their website.
The premise behind this Time to Revive New Testament is the belief that sharing the Gospel does not need to be complicated. The colored thumb tabs make sharing one’s faith simple, straightforward and virtually foolproof. It is up to the Holy Spirit to lead someone to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, but it is a believer’s responsibility to share this Good News with others.
Simply walk a person sequentially through the colored thumb tabs: yellow – black – red – blue – green. Allow them to read the highlighted verses out loud for themselves. Let the Holy Spirit lead your conversation. Explain the verses that walk through sin (yellow) – death (black) – love (red) – faith (blue) – life (green). It is envisioned that this New Testament can not only help lead someone to Christ, but call someone to be a disciple and make disciples as well. The orange tab includes 3 short lessons about being “New in Christ,” “Growing in Christ,” and “Sharing Christ.” Our prayer is that this Time to Revive New Testament will be the tool that will help you to do just that.
On this site, there is also a downloadable cartoon to help you share your faith. It is great.
The new bottle tree is almost filled with bottles thanks to the generosity of family members and friends.
The roses continue to bloom. They like the cooler weather. Belinda’s Dream has so many layers of petals.
Just look at the beautiful variations of color in this rose – Tahitian Sunset. Trusty Camera just has to take a picture when seeing something this magnificent.
In this picture, you can see the pink bud on this rose bush.
I am sure there are other items that need to be updated, but for now this will have to do. If you have questions about a post, just let me know.
Blessings to you and yours,
Thanks for reading Lanabird. You are so loved and appreciated!