It had been a long long time since I had visited one of my true loves – First Monday Trade Days in Canton, Texas. Usually August is NOT the month to visit the world famous, humongous flea market, but … it wasn’t a terribly hot day (for August), and we thought we would give it a try.
Metal signs vendors were all over the unreserved section. If you want to decorate your abode with these metal banners, Canton is the place to go. If you watch some of the decorating shows on TV, you know these are in.
I loved the Halloween signs and Jack-crows.
The handcrafted rockers had many lookers, and sitters.
Turn the corner, and you never can imagine what you will find.
This vendor was selling jewelry. In fact he probably had twelve tables loaded with jewelry, but the he was more interested in showing his dog do tricks. It was too funny. Cute puppy could wave, and go into the trailer to get an egg. I didn’t see anyone buying jewelry. We were too fascinated with cute puppy.
Painted furniture is also HOT.
You can still find tables filled with vintage glassware.
Antiques are not the only reason to visit First Monday Trade Days. This was food truck heaven long before food trucks were the “in” thing.
I asked a lady if I could take a picture of her Funnel Cake. (I am not shy or proud.) I wanted a Funnel Cake, but… I also wanted ice cream.
Taylor’s Home Made Ice Cream was our treat for the day.
They make the best peach ice cream. Just look at Ever-Lovin’s happy face.
We did wonder through the sheds. For decor for your home, Canton is the place to go. I love it when I see wagons filled with treasures.
It was a wonderful day. It wasn’t terribly hot. Plus – and this was major – it wasn’t too crowded. We could move. We could breath. I could actually shop. I got a few treasures (will share later), but mainly I enjoyed visiting an old friend.
Blessings to you and yours,
Just in case you do not know. First Monday is not held on the First Monday of the month. It is open the weekend (Thursday thru Sunday) BEFORE the first Monday of each month.