Caitlyn and Dale’s wedding in Gruene, Texas was a destination wedding for us. Ever-Lovin’ had visited Gruene (pronounced Green) many years ago, and he thought I would like it.
We were surprised to find it hard to find a parking space on this Friday afternoon. We had to drive around several parking lots before we found a place to park.
From the moment we began walking around the town, I was taken. The weathered old late 1800’s – to early 1900’s buildings and quaint shops were a delight.
As we were walking around, Ever-Lovin’ said, “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry for what?”, I asked.
“When I was here before, it was small and quaint,” he explained.
I understood what he meant because the few blocks in this historic town of Gruene were crowded with people, but I still loved visiting Gruene. The shopping was great. The Gruene General Store was filled with all sorts of gifts.
Candy, cards, books, Texas themed gifts, and much, much, much more filled the Gruene General Store.
Across the street, the H. D. Gruene building houses a very decent antique mall. Local artist also have shops in Gruene.
For the ladies, there are several darling clothing/accessories boutiques. In many respects, Gruene is a perfect destination for a trip with girlfriends.
Do not get me wrong. Guys enjoy coming to Gruene. The famous Gruene Hall is one of the oldest dance halls in Texas. Music reverberated from this building day and night. Many now famous artist such as Lyle Lovett, George Strait, and Hal Ketchum were once considered “new talent” at Gruene Hall.
Be still my heart. Around every corner there were charming scenes such as this.
Wooden barrels and galvanized buckets were filled with spring flowers throughout the area.
Original grist stones remind visitors of some of the early history of this area. Do visit the Gruene website for more information about the early history of Gruene, and also how this historic area was saved from the wrecking balls. It is very interesting.
Some of the beautiful turn of the century homes are now bed & breakfast inns.
The Gristmill River Restaurant is highly recommended.
The seating system is unbelievable. When it is your time to be seated, your name is written on this large chalkboard. The system is very efficient, and people are seated rather quickly.
While we waited, we were entertained by Clayton Lansky. Music is an important aspect of life in this area.
We were lucky. We were seated at a table overlooking the Guadalupe River. It was such a pretty setting.
The food was excellent, and we had the cutest, most helpful waiter.
As we left the Gristmill River Restaurant and walked over to Oma Gruene’s Secret Garden, we were again greeted by music. The Chubby Knuckle Chior is a band from Austin, and they are very entertaining.
Visiting the Historic District of Gruene is a true Texas experience. They sell Texas goods and antiques. You can hear Texas music, and you can eat delicious Texas food. I liked it. I loved it.
Blessings to you and yours,
I hear that on holidays and market days, Gruene is beyond crowded. I can only imagine.