Presidio La Bahia (Fort by the Bay) is the WORLD’S finest example of a Spanish frontier fort. It has all the pedigrees – National Historic Site and Historic Texas Lands designations. I honestly did not know this treasure existed, but there it was 1 1/2 miles down the road from Goliad.
This fort was built by the Spaniards in 1749. It is a fort – not a mission. It is the most fought over fort in Texas history having seen participation in six National Revolutions/Wars for independence. It is located on an elevated area outside the town of Goliad. The town of La Bahia (later Goliad) grew up around the fort.
Amazingly, nine flags have flown over Goliad.
The restoration of the fort in the 1960’s is considered to be one of the most authentic restorations in the United States today.
The details like this keyhole were beautiful. I like it. I love it.
Displays of found articles are displayed in the museum section of the fort. The Presidio compound is owned and managed by the Catholic Diocese of Victoria.
These were the restored walls around the fort. Cannons would have been at these lookouts.
Inside the barracks are displays of exhibits of what the fort would have looked like during earlier days.
The display of how an arch is made using a capstone was interesting.
I am always fascinated by beautiful doors.
This is decorations on a door.
How about this arch? Wow!
Inside Presidio La Bahia, is Our Lady of Loreto Chapel. It was built for the purpose giving the soldiers and settlers living in the town of La Bahia a place to worship. It is the oldest structure in the compound, and it has been in continuous use since the 1700’s.
It has its original “groin vaulted ceiling” and the mural was done in 1946 by noted Corpus Christi artist Antonio Garcia.
Visiting Presidio La Bahia was a highlight of our trip. It was amazing that something this old with so much history was here. Soldiers from the Presidio assisted the Spanish army fighting the British along the Gulf Coast during the American Revolution. Goliad has the distinction of being one of the only communities west of the Mississippi River to have participated in the American Revolution. Live and learn!
Of course La Presidio has the distinction of being the site of the Goliad Massacre – thus cementing its place in Texas history.
Blessings to you and yours,