As I mentioned before, the Living Stones were asked to update the teacher’s lounge at Northrich Elementary. Northrich is the elementary school that First Baptist Church Richardson has adopted. Mrs. Ralph (logical choice) is leading our efforts to make this teacher’s lounge a haven from the bustle and stress of the classroom. I know from experience that a teacher does not get to spend much time in the lounge, but a place to relax for just a few minutes means so very much.
As teacher lounges go, this lounge is not too bad. Believe me. I have seen much worse. For one thing it is large. It is the size of a classroom. You can tell that someone has put some effort into the decor.
The sofa is pitiful. The sofa alone makes the room look shabby – NOT as in shabby chic. A new sofa should begin to improve the room.
There is also a “forest” of fica trees. Everyone who wanted to remove one of these from their classroom “donated” a tree to the lounge. OR– maybe they are used for assemblies. We will have to ask. The screen that hides some equipment has seen better days.
The medallion wall decor is not so shabby. The lamps need new shades, but they do have potential.
A new refrigerator is also on the “needed list”. Wow!
How exciting it is to be working on this project for the hard working teachers and staff at Northrich. It is almost like being on one of the HGTV make-over TV shows.
Today is just a sneak peek at the before. There will be more, and we will keep you updated.
Blessings to you and yours,