Number Two Son’s precious wife Jenny is having a baby. To say that we are excited is an understatement. We have three sons. Hot Rod is our grandson. Drum roll please: They tell us that Jenny and Number Two Son’s baby will be a girl. Be still my heart. This will be the first girl. Number Two Son always told me he would give me a girl, and if what they tell us is true, he kept his promise.
Dear friends honored Jenny with a baby shower, and it was wonderful. The shower was held at High Street Antique Mall in the Chocolate Angel Tearoom.
The Centerpieces for each table were children’s books and the character dolls that went with each book. A big shout out to The Queen of Everything’s granddaughter. She worked hard to gather together all her books and characters. Thank you! I loved the tables. There is nothing I like better than children’s books.
Some of you may need to buy children’s books, but do not know where to start. These books are fantastic. Having a character doll to go with the books increases comprehension (The child can “act out” the story.) and also promotes creativity (The child can pretend other adventures for each character). I am so going to buy these for our little one. Curious George lives up to his name – he is always getting into a mess.
Do you remember the Little Golden Book, The Pokey Little Puppy? This story has been a favorite for generations.
Eric Carle’s books have award winning illustrations (tissue paper collages), and most of the books feature animals (Think science lessons).
This book is new to me, but I do love the little lamb.
Twinkle Toes is for the ballerinas. Too cute!
Sweet Mother of Pearl. The fox doll would be so much fun. Look at the book with the furry beard.
Ladybug Girl is “All Dressed Up with Everywhere to Go.” Many of the authors have websites to go along with their books. Check out Ladybug Girl’s site. There are games and free printables.
Of course, a little girl that is learning French would have Madeline. Love it!
The Very Hungry Caterpillar (Eric Carle) is one of my all time favorite books. Your child can learn days of the week, counting, life cycle, nutrition, and more from this fun interactive book.
I might have read If You Give a Mouse a Cookie a bazillion times, and I never tire of it. Even though my second graders had heard this book many times, they still delighted in the story. (I used this book for a cause and effect lesson each year.)
Peter Rabbit is an all time classic. They now have board books for the little ones. Then later you can get the originals for your library.
The Story of Peppa Pig is also a new to me book . I looked her up online, and she is said to be “lovable but slightly bossy”. She has her own show on British television.
Goodnight Moon is one of the most beloved books of all times. It is the perfect bedtime story.
“Goodnight room, Goodnight moon, Goodnight cow jumping over the moon….”
This blog has digressed. The shower was wonderful, and I will share more later. I got carried away when thinking about children’s books. These books were perfect centerpieces for a baby shower. The guest book was a book – The Nutcracker. Each guest signed good will wishes for mother, father and baby. What a grand idea. Now they have a precious keepsake from the shower.
I firmly believe (And research has proven.) that one of the best things you can do for all children (Even older children – I am talking about babies, toddlers, preschoolers, elementary age children, junior and senior high students.) is to read aloud to them. These fabulous books are meant to be read aloud. Having the character dolls is a big bonus. There is nothing like a good book.
Blessings to you and yours,
Thank you hostesses for a most wonderful shower.