Fun Halloween Riddles for Kids
Q. Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road?
A. He didn’t have the guts!
Q. What do ghosts serve for dinner?
A. Ice Scream!
Q. Why don’t skeletons like parties?
A. Because they have no body to dance with!
Q. Why wasn’t there any food left after the monster party?
A. Because everyone was a goblin!
Q. What is Transylvania’s national sport?
A. Drac Racing!
Thought you might need some riddles this Halloween season.
First Baptist Church Richardson held it’s annual Pumpkin Bash, but this year it was a little different.
Plan A: (Remember if Plan A does not work, there are 25 more letters in the alphabet)
Northrich Elementary is a neighborhood school close to the church. For some time now members of our church have tutored at Northrich. The intent was for us to be more involved with the Northrich community. SO – – Pumpkin Bash was to be moved to the school this year. FBCR was to sponsor Northrich Elementary’s school carnival.
But – There were dire predictions of storms on Saturday. The storms were projected to begin about the same time the Pumpkin Bash was to begin. Not good.
Plan B:
It was decided to move the festivities to the church. Games could be inside the Activity Center and Trunks could be inside or outside. The tarps were laid over the basketball court, and tables were set up. It was truly amazing.
Most of the people set up their trunks outside as planned.
A Baylor car was to be expected.
How cute is this? Rockers from the 1950’s in their poodle skirts. Loved it!
This was certainly something new to me. Yes, the tent is on top of the automobile.
If you are at the beach, the threat of rain might not be such a concern.
Many of our youth helped with the event.
They had riddles on their trunk (Thus I decided to share riddles with you.) I am impressed with the drinking cup spiders.
Be still my heart. Look at this pretty girl’s den of plush beasts.
This trunk would have my vote for the cutest trunk. What a great idea. It was called -” Tutu Cute”. I liked it. I loved it. The mother and daughter were fantastic also.
More than one parent or teacher thank us for adopting Northrich. This partnership is a good thing.
Blessings to you and yours,
I have a bazillion pictures to share, so here are – The Good – The Bad – and The Ugly. Fun was had by all.