I have to be honest. This year at the beginning of the school year, there was a tug in my heart, and for a short while I missed teaching. But then – Each morning I would look at the clock – 7:30 a.m. and I am still in my bed. 8:00 a.m. and I am still in my bed. 9:00 a.m. and…. 3:00 school’s out and I am still in my bed. (Not really, but you get the picture.)
I do belong to a wonderful organization for Richardson Retired School Personal. They meet monthly during the school year for lunch and a program. The programs are informative and always give me something to think about.
This is a wonderful gathering. How nice to be greeted by beautiful music. You can tell that high performing former school personal plan these meetings. Every little detail is planned, and the meetings run smoothly.
There was a buzz in the room as friends caught up on news from the summer.
It was great to see Beta Chi sisters Janet and Amy.
Seeing Mary again was a treat. Ever-Lovin’ and her husband Frank worked together, and we have known them for a bazillion years.
At our table, we met new friends who just happen to be mother and daughter.
Sally and Larita from Wallace days were at the table behind us. These two ladies can tell the funniest stories, and I love talking with them.
Tonna was visiting with a board member from Dallas. Let it be known that she is a “big wig” from our local association. (She represents us and other retired Texas teachers in Austin. She is also a beloved member of our Living Stones Bible Fellowship class at FBC Richardson.)
Sweet Mother of Pearl. How fantastic to see Gene. He is the principal who took a chance and hired me to teach first grade at Wallace Elementary. What good years we had. He is visiting with one of my dearest friends. Marge and I taught Reading Recovery together in the same portable classroom. She is amazing and is loved by everyone.
Then it was time to eat, and we could not believe it. They called our table first. The presentation of the food on this plate is horrible because I served my own plate, but the food was good. Menu: Pork roast, green beans, mashed potatoes, green salad, and a roll.
For dessert we had a three layer lemon cake. It was a winner. I love the lemon whipped cream frosting.
Tim Lee was our speaker for the day. Wow! He is the “Big Kahuna” from Austin. I believe his title is Executive Director of Texas Retired Teachers Association. He is our advocate with the legislators. It was impossible to get a decent picture of him because he was moving non-stop the entire time while on stage. Through his leadership, the voices of Texas retired teachers were heard during the last legislative session, and some retirees got their first raise in thirteen years. Plus there were so many other positives. His message to us was that there is much more work to be done, and that our actions are important. Our calls, emails, and letters really do make a difference. Listening to him speak makes me realize the importance of each of us if we are to protect our retirement funds.
At the end of the meeting, plaques were presented in appreciation of the hard work Tim Lee and others did for retired school personal during the last legislative session. As a surprise, they also presented Tonna a plaque. She deserved it! (And we were so proud.)
Blessings to you and yours,