I know you know that First Monday Trades Days in Canton are not on Monday. This giant flea market is held the weekend before the first Monday of each month. You can go as early as midday on Thursday. My friend Nancy from Brentfield wanted to go to Canton last weekend. Since she teaches, she usually has to go on Saturday when it is busy.
I guess I have been going to Canton for forty or more years. Yes, it has changed. At one time, Canton was mainly antiques, but now you can buy almost anything. (I bought a good wig this time. Go figure.) January is not the best month to shop Canton. Many dealers do not even set up during January and February, BUT it was a good day for us. We did not miss the suffocating crowds of some months, and we found plenty to buy.
Wow! look how close we parked to the Arbors. Never, never, ever have I had such a good parking space. Usually I park in the “north-forty”. The truth of the matter was – there were not many shoppers on this chilly, dreary, January day.
First order of business. Nancy was looking for a cow hide rug for her son’s new home. Straight away we found the cow hide man. Nancy picked out a pretty hide and got it for a good price. First mission accomplished in less than thirty minutes.
For years, I have admired these birdhouses. Do you think the birds would think they are living high on the hog in these houses? I would think so.
The Happy Trails bench with wagon wheels was pretty cute.
Wondered about this swing for the new front porch. It is good looking.
I liked this swing also, but maybe a glider would work better.
Lunchtime – Since it was a chilly January day, we decided to eat at Cookin’ Cajuns. We got to go inside and warm up a bit.
The gumbo was warm and hit the spot. Going to Canton can resemble going to the State Fair. You can eat your way through the park. Funnel cakes, grilled corn, BBQ, hamburgers, and in the summer ice cream and lemonade are high on the list of our favorites
Be still my heart. I do like the tin valances. They make them to measure and paint them any color. Got to think about these.
Had to take a picture of this cute little guy. He is too precious. If you do nothing but people watch at Canton, you will have a good time.
I know people who buy most of their clothes at First Monday Trade Days. It is like shopping cute boutiques. Loved the smocking on these tops for little girls.
This HOPE sign was unusual. Sweet Mother of Pearl – aren’t people creative.
Around every corner, there was food for sale – candy, jams, pickled everything, dip mixes, gourmet pasta, soup mixes …. Tasty stuff.
In case you don’t know, angel wings are really hot. They were everywhere. Oh – so were deer mounts and antlers. Just keeping you up to date.
We found some good looking scarfs in one of the booths. Love the fur scarf around Nancy’s neck.
What a wonderful day we had. Yes, it was a little chilly, but we were not fighting the crowds or scorching in the July heat.
Plus – I got to visit with a dear friend. Thank you Nancy for taking me.
Blessings to you and yours,