My great-nephew Carson had a birthday party – a pirate birthday party, and I was invited. It is always a pleasure to be invited to Kyle and Ashley’s home. Their home is beautiful, warm, inviting and filled with love. Carson’s pirate party was the kind of party I like. The party was at their home, and the children played games. It was beyond fun.
The boys were so cute as they decorated their bags for the treasure hunt.
They had to read and follow the map to find the buried treasures.
Teamwork was essential during the three-legged race. Hot Rod and Carson are good buddies. (Don’t say I told you, but this picture was taken right before they fell. They were trying their hardest to be fast and win. Oh, well. You win some and you lose some.)
For the swabbing the deck relay, they had to control five ping pong balls with the broom. This made me laugh. It is not easy to control those balls.
There were two other relays – hauling water out of a bucket, and a balloon pop. All of the guest were good sports and enjoyed playing – win or lose. Throwing bocci balls at ships painted on the lawn was fantastic fun. I think the adults would have enjoyed playing this game. A piñata completed the party (Sorry no pictures.). Everyone had a grand time.
One thing at the party that was very special was an idea Ashley had gotten from another party. Before Carson opened his presents, each child said why Carson was their friend. It was wonderful to hear their compliments. Carson is a fun loving child that seems to be always happy. He loves others, and is a friend to all. His friends love to play with him. He is my favorite great-nephew, (my only great-nephew) and I love him dearly.
Happy Birthday Carson,
Blessings to you and yours,