You were promised a tour of the cabin, and this is just a small glimpse inside this beautiful home. As usual, there are things I missed, and some of the pictures I took should have been better. Nevertheless, this will give you some ideas. Below is the entry to the living/den.
Many years ago when The Mrs. had primitives in her home in Dallas, she had this painted chest in her home. I remember the first time I saw it. My heart literally skipped a beat. To me everything about it is wonderful – the mustard color, the boards, and the patina. I had never forgotten it, and often wondered what happened to it. How exciting to see it in the cabin.
The Texas wall art is made from old license plates. Made me feel proud to see a little Texas in this New Mexico cabin.
These are knock-your-socks-off gorgeous windows. Be still my heart. Both the top and bottom sections move up and down. At night we left the windows open, and could feel the cool breezes and hear the babbling brook. Life doesn’t get any better.
Love the pine floors! They give the room character.
The ceiling is paneled with wood from the old cabin. ( I think I’m right about this.) Notice the log beams in this room. I couldn’t stop looking at them because they were so bold and beautiful.
Here is another view of the living/den. The wood burning stove is reported to keep the cabin very warm during the winter. The collection of miniature chairs are perfect on the mantle. One day The Master of the Cabin started repainting them, and they now look great! Personal touches make a home.
Fresh sunflowers filled the stoneware pitcher on this table. Notice the marvelous side chair next to the table. Divine!
Perhaps my favorite part of the cabin is the screened in sleeping porch. It is like being surrounded by nature and camping in your own home. (Keeps the flies away also.)
Look at this little turquoise (love the color!) wall cabinet. Doesn’t it look like something out of a movie? The cross that hangs above it reminds me of the flower crosses we saw in the cemeteries.
Throughout the cabin are these magnificent doors that were made in Santa Fe. The cutout crosses in the doors are constant reminders of our faith.
The pierced copper sconces were made by an artist in Taos. There is so much exquisite detail in these sconces, and they are truly amazing.
This painted gourd makes me laugh. How fun is this!
As you enter or leave, you are greeted by this whimsical walking stick. I love it! One needs a good walking stick to hike in this area, and this one is practical and a delightful work of art.
In this cabin, one feels surrounded by detail craftsmanship and art. It was pure joy to be there. Thank you for letting me share.
Blessings to you and yours,