After breakfast one morning, I told our friends Robert and Betty that I wanted to go into Thrift City a new thrift store in that shopping center. Robert asked, “What is Thrift City?” My reply was that it was like a Goodwill store, but that it was bad. “Oh,” says Robert. “Then it is a Badwill Store.” The name stuck. Now we say we are going to Badwill. It really isn’t that bad, but you have to look through a lot of bad for a good find. Still it is the hunt that excites me. Here is my latest find.
This is a nice print from an Art Shop in Charleston, South Carolina. Just wish they had had another one. My blank wall (pity that I would ever have a blank wall) needs a bigger picture or two pictures this size. I am still on the hunt.
Warning: That is the trouble with shopping at thrift shops. No returns!
Check out these latest finds also: Bottle-$3.99, Black Vase-$1.99 Funny, both are from Pier 1, but I found them in different thrift shops. I buy on spec. Someday these will be the perfect… I know. I’m sick. I just see the potential and can’t pass up a good buy.
Happy hunting. Would love to hear of your finds.