It was December 12, 2010 when Prince William and Catherine Middleton announced their engagement. They politely requested no gifts, but donations to charity. “Oh, says I to myself—Kate will never know the joys of a bridal shower. What a pity to miss many of the traditions of being engaged.” Then it came to me. I will give Miss Catherine a wedding shower. If she does not want to celebrate, it does not mean that we cannot celebrate and share in her good fortune. I knew she would not be able to attend, but at one point I seriously contemplated inviting her. Nevertheless, if there was to be a shower for the future queen of England, it had to be done first class.
On the Royal Family web site, you can see examples of Royal invitations and programs. My son Ben and I designed an invitation to be sent out. Very formal looking if I might say so myself. Guests were asked to wear hats, gloves, pearls and basically anything British. At a shower, there must be gifts, so each guest brought a gift to exchange ($20.00 limit).
I was so afraid people would think I had lost it, but to my delight they enjoyed preparing for the party. (More than one guest wanted me to invite their friends.) If we could not go to the wedding, we could still celebrate. What one should wear, and hats were a constant topic of conversation. Such fun! We all wondered who would wear the largest hat.
Ideas for this party could be used for the upcoming Queen’s Jubilee or any friend you consider special enough to be Queen.