First impressions are always important. Judy had an Union Jack flag that set the right tone. Waving in the wind next to the front door invited everyone to come and experience a little bit of England. Loved, loved, loved it. Details- flag, crown garden stands, flowers by the front door, and a wreath on the front door.
British memorabilia adorned the entry buffet. Okay, I really don’t have an entry, but try to act like I do. I had a few vintage English items, and my friends who have been to London and have good souvenirs added to the display. The English tea cloth provides the right setting for these objects.
The large floral arrangement on the dining room table was in a crown base. The English tea cloth was a loan from Saundra. It is fabulous, and I have never seen another one like it. There are teapots crocheted into the lace. If you are into linens, I know your heart is racing now.
All the food was served in silver and crystal. Don’t you love it! I especially like the silver tiered servers. They are so English.
Vintage snack trays and cups were used. Most of these were bought at the Canton Flea market, and I have been waiting years to use them.
The 38 cloth napkins were found at an estate sale shortly before the party. It was amazing – Just the right number!
Forks were not used, but in hind site I think they would have been helpful for use with the scones. Everything else was definitely finger food.
The tea punch was served on the breakfast room table.
My dear friend Jane brought flowers from her garden. They were gorgeous!
Luckily it was a beautiful day, and tables were set up outside around the pool. The crown pots for were used for the potted cornflower plants. The plants set on English tea towels (again from my friend Judy). The cornflower plants were brought with the intention of being able to plant them in the garden after the party. The cornflowers did not make it through the hail storm, but now I have beautiful red geraniums in those pots.
Moral of this post. It’s good having talented friends when giving a party!