Archive: Art Deco

Buffalo, New York

Posted on: Aug 11, 2014        In: Out and About        With: No comments
Okay, let’s be honest here.  As we drove from the airport into Buffalo, I was not impressed.  (To put it mildly.)  In this area were many vacant and rundown homes and businesses.  It was creepy and depressing.   But… by the end of our vacation to Niagara Falls and the surrounding area, my opinion about Buffalo changed. […]

Art Deco Wedding Shower

Posted on: Oct 18, 2013        In: Gatherings        With: No comments
As mentioned in a previous post, the Bride to Be – The Lovely Stephanie – likes Art Deco.  That was the beginning of our thinking.  Also her beloved groom – Ken –  is of Chinese decent, and they are incorporating some of those elements into their wedding.  So naturally, we wanted to honor that also. […]

Shower Invitation

Posted on: Oct 18, 2013        In: Gatherings        With: No comments
Weddings are such special times, and the major excitement around here this fall has been Stephanie’s wedding.  Sweet Mother of Pearl!  All of the ladies of the Living Stones Bible Fellowship have been excited. (Understatement!)  As one of the ladies mentioned, “This is the wedding of the century.”   As far as we are concerned, […]

Restored 1935 Conoco Gas Station – Shamrock, Texas

Posted on: Oct 15, 2013        In: Out and About        With: No comments
While driving home from Pampa on Interstate 40, we saw a billboard encouraging us to visit Shamrock, Texas to see the Historic Conoco Tower Service Station.  There were several claims to fame for this service station – “Listed on the National Register of Historic Places” and “As seen in movies.” “P-l-e-a-s-e.  It is only a […]