On the corner of Beltline and Plano Road in Richardson is a new restaurant. Well, technically speaking it is not completely new. Down the street there used to be the old Applebee’s. It had been there a long, long, long time. In fact, I think I read somewhere that that Applebee’s was the first Applebee’s in Texas. (Maybe I am lying about that – but that is what I think I heard or read or dreamed.) Well, the old Applebee’s was old, and we seldom dined there, but since they built an shiny new restaurant a block closer to our home, we thought we would give the “new” Applebee’s a try.
Welcome to the “new” Applebee’s.
As I was writing this post, I realized that the decor colors are basically the colors of apples – red apples, green apples, pink apples, and dark red apples. The restaurant looks fresh and inviting.
Murals of Richardson grace the walls.
Any restaurant that honors Tom Landry gets a plus in my book. Yes, there were a lot of white hairs in the restaurant, but that is what you find at lunchtime in Richardson. I am sure Applebee’s is hoping to cash in on the State Farm employes that will soon be working right down Plano Road.
Ever-Lovin’ ordered something strange to me – Cross-cut ribs. When eating them, they still seemed strange to me. Taste was good, but I still haven’t decided if I would order them again. The slaw is somewhat sweet, and the fries are a little spicy. Thumbs up on the fries and slaw.
I ordered one of the lunchtime meal deals – a twofer. There were many choices of soups, salads, and entrees. I decided to get the tomato soup and a mac and cheese dish. The tomato soup was flavorful, and I liked it. It was also heat hot. Yea! That is not always the case in other restaurants.
The mac and cheese with spicy-sweet chicken was also good. Let it be known that there are even healthier choices on the menu. The healthy choices are marked with little green apples. The tomato soup earned a green apple. The mac and cheese did not. Need I say more?
How interesting that this restaurant will be open until 2:00 am everyday. For the night owls of this world, this is good news.
We are always excited when a new restaurant opens, and Applebee’s appears to be a place where we will enjoy a meal that is a giant step above fast food for not much more money.
Welcome back to the neighborhood Applebee’s.
Blessings to you and yours,