This past weekend was the Park Cities Historic and Preservation Society Home Tour. It is always fun to go into the houses of the rich and famous (Although, I did not know any of these people. I guess they are not too famous.)
FYI Highland Park was designed by Wilber David Cook who was also the designer of Beverly Hills. Thus, the premier location in Highland Park is Beverly Drive. This year there were two houses on the tour on Beverly Drive. Be still my heart! I love driving on Beverly Drive, but really any of these streets and homes make me feel like I am in another world.
Bad, bad, my bad. I did not take my camera, so these are pictures off my phone. I am not a photographer to begin with, and phone pictures are even worse. I just wanted to share pictures of things I wanted to remember.
Why are their flowers prettier than my flowers? – oh yes, the yard men. But people in Richardson have yard men, and their yards just are not the same.
The gardens were beautiful. We are thinking about some climbing plants for our fence, so I took pictures of trellises. I especially like the trellis for the roses.
Roof top beauties: I think this is the prettiest chimney I have ever seen. They had to make it look good because it is the view from their bedroom window.
Look at this birdhouse. Even the birds get a five star hotel.
This is not your run of the mill statue. Made my heart go pitty-pat.
Table settings are always on my radar. This lady had two tall stacks of MacKenzie Childs dinner plates. I bet there were 24-36 plates. WOW! The table was fresh and fun. Large pink daisy napkin rings held two napkins. The cloth napkin was an electric blue! What a delicious color. I think the black and white check was a paper napkin. Do you see the square woven metal charge? I like them. I want them. Last but not least, see the blue and yellow checked runner. Never would I have thought of using a check with a check, but it so worked.
The Royal Copenhagen plates were gorgeous.
Jan Barboglio metal chargers and napkin rings certainly make a statement. They are so good looking. What are those plates? The open work is so feminine against the more rustic charger and napkin ring. Of course the crystal atop the napkin ring takes the cake. That is one big stone.
What beautiful floral arrangements. I want to remember these.
A few more of my favorite things: tiles on the risers of the stairs, a wall filled with crucifixes, and a little boy’s wing back chair with a leather seat and tweed upholstery.
A big thank you for the people who opened up their homes for the tour. It was a wonderful day.
Blessings and thanks for reading.