Today Mrs. Ralph (My dear friend who channels Ralph Lauren in her decorating style.) and I were doing one of the things that we most enjoy doing – shopping thrift stores (Also known as “Badwill Hunting.”)
Of course, we do not “need” anything, but the thrill of the hunt, and the bargains found made for a wonderful day. Plus, it is always fun to be with Mrs. Ralph.
I could say we were doing the Lord’s work today, but that would be stretching the truth. Okay, we were shopping for items to decorated the teacher’s lounge at Northrich Elementary. Northrich is a school that First Baptist Church Richardson has adopted. It is near the church, and members of our congregation tutor and give support to the students and teachers at the school. Last October our Pumpkin Bash was for the students at Northrich. The only problem about saying that we were doing the Lord’s work today was – we bought more for ourselves than we did for Northrich. We did come home with plenty of ideas though, so I guess it is not a lie to say we worked for the Lord a little bit today.
Most of the item we found were from the St. Vincent de Paul and Salvation Army Thrft Stores.
I know. I need another cake stand like I need another hole in my head. But, I do love this white cake plate. It goes well with other white china serving pieces and dishes I have. It is made by Bodum from Switzerland. Nice!
Super Sister’s bedroom (the guest room) is getting a make-over. I bought a new bed, and some drapes, but that is as far as I have gotten. I did think this photo box with the shabby white paint might go well in this room. Buying this little box might spur me on to doing more. (Trying to think positively.)
I love these white decorative small platters. They might also fit into the “new” bedroom. Will let you know.
A kitchen scale has been on my “would like” list for some time. Be still my heart. Today I found this one. I like it. I love it. The touch of red goes perfectly in my kitchen.
The white enamel wash basin with red trim was calling my name. Perhaps it will be filled with pretty flowers for an outdoor arrangement. Or – ???? What can I say. It is my kind of thing.
FTD Florist have the best containers for their arrangements. This red and white bowl is great. I can see it being used at Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Fourth of July, or whenever I want to use my red dishes. It was a bargain.
I do think of you my dear readers. The blue calico flower pot from England just might be in a future blog.
A child’s metal watering can will go in an Easter vignette. It is so cute.
St. Patrick’s day will soon be here, and a black pot will certainly be found on the table. You never know what you will find when “Badwill Hunting”.
Blessings to you and yours,
Mrs. Ralph found quality items. She always finds the “good” stuff, but I am not complaining. It was a good day.