Art Deco Wedding Shower

Posted on: Oct 18, 2013        In: Gatherings        With: No comments

As mentioned in a previous post, the Bride to Be – The Lovely Stephanie – likes Art Deco.  That was the beginning of our thinking.  Also her beloved groom – Ken –  is of Chinese decent, and they are incorporating some of those elements into their wedding.  So naturally, we wanted to honor that also.  The results was a dramatic table setting.

shower oct 4

Sweet Mother of Pearl.  Would you look at these fantastic brass trays.  (I think they are from Thailand.)  Excellent Cook Nancy is the proud owner of these humongous trays.  (They are actually trays for a two tier table.)  Sitting on the black table cloth they glistened and were eye-catching.  They fit perfectly with our vision for the shower.  Brass candlesticks added to the brass accents.  Love, love, love, these trays.

shower oct 7

Red is a symbol of good luck, and was used as an accent color for the decorations.  The tall vase was filled with red/black feathers.  Gold accent curly sticks were also used the the arrangement.

shower oct 18

Wynette recently found this bowl at a local antique shop.  The tag said, “Art Deco Bowl.”  Wynette exclaimed, “It was calling my name.”  It is beautiful and perfect for the party.

shower oct 9

Red mums filled a vase on the entry table.  Thanks to Texas/OU weekend, there were red mums to be bought.  Honestly, these are the prettiest mums.  The blooms are small, compact, full, and a deep red.  Just beautiful.

While chrysanthemums generally denote cheerfulness and rest, individual colors do carry specific messages: red for love, good luck and best wishes; (  Our sentiments for the Stephanie and Ken.

shower oct 11

The bust of a pretty lady draped with her beads certainly gave an Art Deco feel.


A brass planter held more mums.  When I mentioned to Pat (Who graciously opened her beautiful home for the shower.) that I liked the cross and other baubles she put in the arrangements she said, “They are my folly gardens.”  Be still my heart.  I like it.  I love it.

shower oct 12

Here is another “folly garden”.  What a charming touch.

shower oct 5

Instead of the usual punch bowl, we opted for the punch to be served from pitchers into wine glasses.  It seemed to go with the Art Deco theme.  Pat’s home has space for two tables in the dining room.  Having the beverages on a separate table was a treat.

shower oct 23

Party time.  Brass and crystal serving dishes were filled with savory treats, strawberries, and petit fours.  Lovely.

Blessings to you and yours,

Food and recipe blogs will be forthcoming.