Ever-Lovin’ had his 50th Pampa (Texas) High School class reunion. “We’re the class of ’63. We’re the best there’ll ever be.” Was the chant throughout the weekend. And I must admit. There were some very impressive members of the Pampa High School class of ’63.
For years and years, we have given Ever-Lovin’ a hard time about his school song, Dear Ol’ Pampa High School – set to the tune of Let Me Call You Sweetheart. No, I am not kidding. BUT – Would you believe? They sang that school song with gusto, and had no idea it was funny.
Ever-Lovin’ had a grand time reconnecting with friends that he had not seen for many years. Before even looking at his name tag people would yell – “I remember you!”
The Reunion Committee worked many hours planning the reunion, and they had a fantastic turnout. The class of ’63 had about 250 graduates and sadly about 70 of those classmates have passed away. Still over 125 of alumni came for the reunion. Remarkable. That speaks well for the love and respect they have for each other.
We gathered for a tour of Pampa High School.
Yes, some things have changed in 50 years. They even offer specialty on-line courses for some subjects.
The tiles on the walls remained the same.
Teachers continue to inspire students.
The mosaic Harvester is remarkable. The tiles are little, and there is so much detail in this artwork.
Lockers. Rows and rows of lockers.
As always though, it is the people who made the reunion. Harold Thrasher wrote a book – Suicide Charlie Brothers Never Forgotten – about his experiences during and after the Vietnam War. Writing the book was cathartic for him also. Ever-Lovin’ is reading it and says it is well written.
Seeing Glen again was a treat. (Sorry, no picture of Jan.) Jan and Glen introduced me to Ever-Lovin’. Thank you. Thank you very much!
Even some who had had to move away from Pampa during their high school years came for the celebration.
Turan was a foreign exchange student from Turkey, and he came. Wow!
Just look at the happy faces. It was like this the entire weekend.
Randy Matson the Olympic Gold Medalist was in the Pampa High School class of ’63. It was a pleasure to meet him.
Ever-Lovin’ remembered most the people who were in his math and science classes. Rose became an engineer. That was really something during the 1960’s.
The most touching part of the evening was the honoring of the Vietnam veterans. Tears were flowing (Even the young waitress was crying.) as we again remembered their sacrifice and rejection. On this night they were welcomed, thanked, and loved.
Blessings to you and yours,
I was an outsider at this reunion, but I must admit – I was impressed with the Pampa High School class of ’63. I believe them when they say – “We’re the best there’ll ever be.” And Ever-Lovin’ is one of the best of the best.