I promised you we would visit Miss Jane’s garden in the spring, and it is wonderful. (Click HERE to see her garden last summer.) I love, love, love going to visit Jane and her garden.
Jane’s passion is gardening, and it is so much fun listening to her tell about her plants. Honestly, she has an attachment to each plant because she so carefully picked each plant and takes into consideration its color, texture, and whatever else needs to be considered before planting each plant. Can you believe? Jane personally builds each bed and lines each bed with stones. Amazing.
Be still my heart. The first thing I noticed as I drove up to Miss Jane’s yard were the bluebonnets. Several years ago, friend BB’s mother-in-law sent bluebonnet seeds to the girls in the Living Stones class. Mrs. B carefully shelled (I am not sure that is the correct word) the seeds for each of us. Of course, I think Jane’s were the only ones to grow, and they come back each year. Bluebonnets always make me swoon. I like them. I love them.
This plant makes me laugh. Jane told me that its common name is Bad Hair Day. I relate.
The yellow/orange poppies are gorgeous.
Irises are also in bloom. Fantastic!
Beautiful. So pretty.
What show stoppers these irises are.
Perhaps this was my favorite with the yellow center and white and pink petals.
A little lady on her afternoon walk stopped to say how much she enjoyed Miss Jane’s yard. Jane gave her a bouquet. As we were standing there, another van drove by and honked to express their appreciation for Jane’s hard work and the beauty it brings to the neighborhood. This happens all the time – at least it has always happened when I am visiting.
I believe this is a lenten rose. Jane brought it back from Seattle on the plane. It seems to be happy in Texas.
This ???? is unusual because it has both pink and white blooms.
Bright pink flowers and heart shaped leaves – what a wonderful plant.
Columbine are so unusual and pretty.
Miss Jane has several types of yucca in her yard. This light green tinged with red is different than I have ever seen before..
All of the work that has gone into her garden is unbelievable.
Miss Jane belongs to a fern society. The various ferns in her gardens are lovely.
I think this is a holly fern. They are suppose to do well here.
This fern with the green and yellow fronds got my attention.
The Japanese red maple is impressive.
These two plants compliment each other – one with purple leaves and the other with variegated green leaves – super combination.
Miss Jane mentioned that the birds love these berries.
This shasta daisy is going to get some friends. Miss Jane bought two more daisy plants to keep it company.
Roses are beginning to bloom. I love roses.
So bright and sunny.
This red bud is different because the leaves are scalloped.
Wow! This is great, and she does it all herself.
Miss Jane went to the plant sale in McKinney after lunch on Sunday. She knows just where each of these plants will be planted. They are lucky plants. I think all plants would be honored to live in Miss Jane’s garden.
Blessings to you and yours,
Thank you Jane for sharing your garden. It is always a pleasure.