Perot Museum Revisited

Posted on: Apr 1, 2013        In: Out and About        With: No comments

The one thing Hot Rod wanted to do during spring break was to go back to the Perot Museum of Nature and Science.  So that is what we did.  After the previous visit, Hot Rod mentioned that his favorite exhibits were in the technology hall (Texas Instruments Engineering and Invention Hall).  At the Perot Museum, there is so much to see and do.  We decided to visit one or two floors at a time so we could enjoy and learn rather than rush through the halls.

First stop – robots.  You can design and build robots.

Controlling the robot is serious business.

It wasn’t easy to keep the robots on the track.  The robot could also be used pick up the markers to play tic-tat-toe.  So much fun.

At this exhibit, Hot Rod is using digital electronics to create music and sound effects.

Wooden Mirror by Daniel Rosin is considered artwork.  The motion-sensor activated wooden panels flutter to reflect objects.  Amazing.

Movement lights up the lights.

The Sports Hall explores the science of sports.

Racing a T-Rex gave Number One Son a bit of a problem.  You can also race famous athletes.

Then we moved on to the Being Human Hall.

There were exhibits about the science of prosthetics.

Hot Rod suited up to preform experiments in the Bio-Lab.

He was testing various cleansers and sanitizers to determine which products kill more germs.  Bleach was the winner.

Sweet Mother of Pearl.  Here is Yours Truly attempting to launch ping-pong balls by using electricity sent from my brain.  I was supple to relax, but I couldn’t relax.  I was worried about the people waiting in line.  A few balls did bounce, and I was glad to know I had some brain activity.  This was beyond fascinating, and I would love to try to make the ping-pong balls bounce again.  Trust me.  Adults enjoy the museum.

Blessings to you and yours,

We are already planning our next visit.  Glad we joined the Perot Museum of Nature and Science.