Dear Readers,
By now you know that Lanabird has gone to her Creator. The obituary is posted on her blog, but does not tell all that I want you to know.
Lana loved the LORD. She loved the life here on earth that He gave her and the eternal life that He gave her through Jesus. She loved His creation, the earth, nature, and the humans that He put here. It was a joyful love. She wanted to use the talents that He gave her to glorify Him.
She was adept at hospitality. She planned, catered and decorated for innumerable parties: holidays, wedding and baby showers, retirements, teas, and any other excuse for fun and fellowship. Her cooking was a labor of love, and she shared that with whomever she thought needed it. Her love for people and for cooking came together in her missions to Mercy Street, a mentoring project in west Dallas.
This is why she started her blog. She wanted to share the beauty and the awe she witnessed in God’s creation in the trips that we took, the flowers that we observed, and the people that we met. The blog was not to spotlight her and her accomplishments, but to glorify God.
When Lana taught second grade, she and her students would sing this Roy Roger’s song each Friday before departing for the weekend:
Happy trails to you, until we meet again.
Happy trails to you, keep smilin’ until then.
Who cares about the clouds when we’re together?
Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather.
Happy trails to you, ‘till we meet again.
We are all saddened because we will miss her enthusiasm, her laughter, and her loving caring acceptance, but, rest assured when we see her again, it will be the most joyous celebration ever!
Ever Lovin’
P.S. Lanabird.com will continue to be online so friends and family can access Lana’s posts and recipes.