Before “The Fall” —
The food was prepared, and members of the Living Stones and Men’s Class gathered to take Walking Tacos to the January Middle School Bible Study at Mercy Street. Yours truly stayed home due to leg pain. (Oh, how I miss going to Mercy Street.) Thank you Ever-Lovin’ for taking the photographs.
Walking Tacos was the featured offering for the night. Our family first experienced Walking Tacos several years ago at Silver Dollar City in Branson, Missouri. Basically, Walking Tacos is a variation of Frito Pie. Instead of a bag of Fritos being topped with chili and the fixings, a bag of tortillia chips is topped with taco meat and the usual taco fixings.
This is a perfect dish to feed a crowd of hungry teenagers (or adults or children for that matter).
Begin with the tortillia chips. It is cool to use a bag of chips to hold the Walking Taco, but when we went shopping, we couldn’t find the bags we wanted so ….
Taco meat was the first offering. My favorite Taco Seasoning is McCormick’s Original Taco Seasoning, but you can use your favorite. I prepared over 7 pounds of ground meat ( for about 40 people), and was told that the servings were slight. Note to self: “Make more taco meat next time.”
Shredded lettuce –
Grated Cheese – The cheese looks a little funky because it is really grated cheese cubes. I was trying to use what I had, and this was the results.
Sour Cream –
Salsa –
Guacamole –
Janet made the guacamole “in house”. Look at her special tool for scooping out the avocado. She was telling me how perfectly it works. I never knew this existed. Pretty cool!
If you asked me, this looks like one plate full of goodness. Sitting here in the rehab hospital, this looks like a gourmet meal. I love when things are made with fresh ingredients.
As mentioned before, the beauty of the Walking Taco is that each person gets to decide what toppings and how much of each topping they want to add to their taco. Feel free to add any other toppings you would enjoy.
In the past, clementines have been well received by the students, and they were offered again on that day. They are so each to peel, and delicious. The kids love them.
For dessert, brownies were served. Yummy!
Jill stopped by to say hello, and everyone (especially Friend BB) was excited about her engagement to beau Dan. These two young people love the Lord, and honor Him in their lives. It is heartwarming to be a part of their joy. Congratulations Jill and Dan.
Blessings to you and yours,
Words can not begin to express how much I appreciate all the love that has been shown to me and my family this past couple of weeks. It is so humbling. I am recovering well and looking forward to being out and about again.
Love to all of you!