I had heard of Cronuts (registered trademark) – the hybrid between a donut and a croissant. They have been the rage in New York City since May of 2013 when they were created at the Domniique Ansel Bakery. From what I hear people wait in line for hours to have the opportunity to buy these pastries. Then one morning […]
Anytime I encounter people from Mercy Street I am inspired and challenged. It was no different at this year’s Mercy Street’s Fundraiser Luncheon. This year’s luncheon was held in the super trendy Trinity Groves area that is just across the beautiful Margaret Hunt-Hill Bridge. The theme for this luncheon was Come to the Table. Many times relationships are built […]
How convenient it was that Halloween was on a Friday night this year. Oh, how I dreaded the day after Halloween each year when I was teaching. Have lessons to teach – fuhgeddaboudit. Sugar highs and tired children do not make for a good day of learning. The Grands came over for trick or treat […]
If you missed seeing the Can- struction Exhibit at the State Fair of Texas, you missed a real treat. Area architectural firms in Dallas and Ft. Worth created sculptures out of cans of foods. In total, they used over 150,000 cans of food to create over 35 sculptures. This was a win/win situation. We enjoyed […]
Halloween is near. If you are like me and you love seeing little goblins as they trick or treat this is for you. Recently we enjoyed pre-Halloween fun at Northrich Elementary in Richardson, Texas. First Baptist Church Richardson partners with our neighborhood elementary school (Northrich) to lend our love and support to the students and […]
Mrs. Ralph recently reminded me about the pumpkin bread recipe from my mother’s cookbook A+ in Cooking. She had made it, and was pleased how well it turned out. Well, just the mention of this recipe spurred me into action. Since I enjoy sharing recipes from Mother’s cookbook, and pumpkin bread is a perfect fall treat, I […]
You might have missed the Tyler Rose Festival (Plan to go next year.), but there are still things to see and do on a day trip to Tyler, Texas. For starters, the Rose Garden and Rose Museum are open year round. Visiting the Tyler Rose Garden made my heart sing. Rows and rows of roses […]
It was short notice, but I had been missing my teacher friends from Wallace Elementary. The group is affectionally call WOW – Women of Wallace. I put out an invitation, and three friends could come. I was delighted. Neva (all the way from Lubbock town), Marge (my wonderful co-worker), and Anna (a friend to all), […]
Wow! Going to the Texas Rose Festival in Tyler, Texas was this blogger’s nirvana. We partied with thousands of strangers at the Queen’s Tea, attended our first National Rose Show, toured the famed Tyler Rose Gardens, and visited the interesting Rose Museum. All of this happened in the span of about four hours, and all […]
Sylvia thought the Texas Rose Festival (held each October in Tyler, Texas) would be something Lanabird would like. Be still my heart! Was she ever right! It was unbelievable. Thank you Sylvia for the recommendation. Attending the Texas Rose Festival was …. Just look and see for yourself. This building is the Rose Garden […]