A highlight of my Christmas each year is when the Grand’s (grand nieces and nephew + my grandchildren) come for our annual Christmas tea. It is a party for the children with the added bonus of getting to visit with my nephews and their sweet wives. A bummer for me this year was that Super Sister was unable to come. I missed her.
The theme for this year’s tea was a Scottish Christmas. I am not so sure how Scottish this tea was, but we had a Santa wearing a kilt, Scotty dog napkin rings, and tartan snowflakes for the yearly ornament.
I have had these napkin rings for many years, and have always wanted to have an occasion to use them. I got them at Restoration Hardware at an after Christmas sale, and I just love them.
After looking and looking for an ornament for this year’s tea, I was delighted to find the tartan snowflakes at Nordstrom. The other favor was a melting snowman. You build the snowman with a putty, and then he will melt. The putty is reusable. Number One son knew about this from a blog he reads, and we could not believe our luck when we found them in Pottery Barn Kids. (It was the first store we visited, and we were really just passing through to go to another shop.)
What a blessing it is to get to spend time with these precious children.
Savories included peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, pimento cheese sandwiches, turkey and provolone spirals, and pigs in the blanket. (no picture)
These cake balls from Isabelly’s were delicious and so cute.
I made sure I had melting snowmen cookies for Carson, but mine were pathetic looking. Super Sister usually decorates these for the tea. (Need I say more?) Other sweets were sugar cookies, date cookies, and white chocolate macadam orange cranberry cookies. Hot Rod made the Oreo Cookie Balls, and they were a hit! He has offered to make them again for Christmas Eve. Yea!
The girls kept Pretty Baby entertained. I have never heard her laugh so. She loved the “big girls”.
Some of you might want to stop reading at this point because I am going to share more family pictures from our gathering. It will not hurt my feelings if you do not want to see the “album”. You can still be my friend.
We enjoyed Ashley’s mother Jackie joining us this year.
What a blessing to spend time with our dear family.
Blessings to you and yours,
I am SO mad at myself. I did not get pictures of Number One son with his precious wife Mikel. What is wrong with me? Number Two Son came after work, and I should have gotten his picture also. Bad Momma! I will be sure to do better on Christmas day.