It is so hard to believe. Pretty Baby is one year old. Of course, we had a party.
She was dressed for the occasion – pink tutu dress with a special birthday hat and pink shoes. What a darling little princess.
Aunt Becky painted the chalkboard. Wow! She is majorly talented.
We had a brunch to celebrate the occasion. Yummy! Here is the menu for those who like to know:
Broccoli and Cheddar Quiche (a new recipe for me, and I will share)
Pioneer Woman’s Cinnamon Rolls
Fresh Fruit
Pigs in the Blanket
Sausage Balls (Number One made these for the occasion.)
Orange juice
Every birthday party has to have a birthday cake. Pictures of Pretty Baby decorated the entire house. I think Mamma Jenny ordered about 100 photographs for the party. I loved seeing all her pictures.
Then there were presents. She was so intense while opening the cards and presents. This is a whole new experience, but I do believe she will get use to it.
Then it was cake smashing time. Momma Jenny ordered this cute cake smashing outfit which included a diaper cover and the personalized hat. A princess always wears pearls.
First she went for the candle.
Basically she just went for the icing.
The Fostoria cake stand was a wedding gift to my mother. I have a birthday picture of me with this pedestal.
It is hard work being a princess and having a birthday. She fell asleep before she could finish her meal.