A group of special friends fondly known as the Jefferson’s have celebrated birthdays and holidays together for many many years. In November we have two birthdays to celebrate – Frances and Friend BB.
What a treat to have a reason to celebrate with these two “Golden Girls”.
When thinking about the decorations, I wanted the decor to be fall-ish but not a Thanksgiving theme (although we are thankful for our friends). Since we are getting older, the phrase “Golden Girls” came to mind. We all loved that show, and we are certainly a group of “Golden Girls”.
Gold chargers topped with a glittery crown ornament and a vintage glass plate were used at each place setting. I had planned to give the crown ornaments as favors, and then I remembered that Super Sister had once used leaves under glass plates at a luncheon and it looked great. I placed the glittery crowns under the glass plate, and voila!
For the centerpiece, I had a long arrangement of dried ???? that was placed on a runner with flecks of golden threads. (TJMAXX)
The dried ???? are liked hollow flowers, and just perfect for holding small gold ornaments and golden berries. The idea was to have the contrast between the natural element and the glitz and glam. (Anyone who knows Friend BB knows how much she likes glitz and glam.)
Fellow Jeffersonites, Mrs. Ralph and The Mrs. provided the food.
For an afternoon gathering, the plan was to have light snacks, but we wanted to sit around the table so we could visit together. The vegetable treats – cucumbers, carrots, broccoli, red and yellow peppers, and tomatoes – were healthy, crisp and wonderful. They looked so pretty on the plate.
The dips complimented the vegetables and the chips.
Chicken salad croissants and pimento cheese on pumpernickel filled the tiered server. Yummy!
Friend Who Does Not Wish to Be Named brought her melt in your mouth sugar cookies. What a treat!
At the other end of the table was a fruit and cheese tray. It contained, red and green grapes, strawberries, Cheddar cheese, Herbed Goat cheese, and Gruyere with crackers.
Every birthday party has to have a cake. The Victorian Elegance cake from Albertson’s on Jupiter and Buckingham is the best. It is reasonably priced and filled with a raspberry filling. It is iced with a buttercream frosting. I like it. I love it.
We sat around the table and caught up on all the news. The best times are times spent with friends. What a golden day!
Happy Birthday Frances and Friend BB! You are both queens of the “Golden Girls”.
Blessings to you and yours,
Just so you know. Friend BB is now older than yours truly.