Sylvia thought the Texas Rose Festival (held each October in Tyler, Texas) would be something Lanabird would like. Be still my heart! Was she ever right! It was unbelievable. Thank you Sylvia for the recommendation. Attending the Texas Rose Festival was …. Just look and see for yourself.
This building is the Rose Garden Center and Rose Museum in Tyler, Texas. I was not prepared for what was behind the doors of this modest tan brick building.
Roses – thousands and thousands of roses. Roses were everywhere. Sweet Mother of Pearl! As we entered the building, the smell of roses was unbelievable. ( I know I am overusing that word, but…)
The theme of the festival was “Cirque de la Rose”. Blankets of roses filled circus tents.
There were also amazing arrangements.
Talk about serendipity. We arrived at the Rose Center just as the Queen’s Tea was beginning. I had noticed The Queen’s Tea listed on the schedule, but I honestly thought it would have been an invitation only event. Not so. Everyone was invited to the party.
In the foyer of the Rose Center sat several young ladies dressed in circus finery. I must admit that I had to admired them for wearing these gowns. Later we were told that the young ladies inside the building were NOT from Tyler. They have connections to Tyler (relatives or friends), and they are invited to be in the Queen’s court. Each girl is responsible for designing and furnishing their own gowns. The gowns were gaudy, but they did fit the theme – “Cirque de la Rose”.
Then we walked out onto the veranda, and oh, my! Tents, circus wagons, and people were everywhere. Lots and lots of people were enjoying the Queen’s Tea. Queen Katherine Elizabeth Peltier was presiding over the tea from her three tents at the back of the lawn. The circus wagons held her court, and the tent at the front of the lawn was for Kathleen Bertram Duchess of the Texas Rose Festival. The queen and all of her court ARE from Tyler. More than one person told us that the honor to be queen is bought. The family that offers the most money wins the prize.
Queen Katherine is a lovely young lady. She seemed to be so gracious – a perfect queen. This young page appeared to be enjoying his role in the pageantry.
I loved seeing the children. I did wonder if they would have been more comfortable playing soccer – probably not on this day in Tyler, Texas. It must be a huge honor to be a member of the Queen’s court.
Families stood in long lines to have their pictures taken with the dignitaries.
The Texas Rose Festival has been a community event in Tyler since 1933. The queen, the duchess, and all the attendants are responsible for furnishing and paying for their own gowns, crowns, etc.
On the inside roof of Queen Katherine’s tent were pictures. I had never seen anything like this before.
The queen’s train is always of upmost importance. There is so much beadwork on this train. Beautiful!
Duchess Kathleen Bertram sat on her thrown – a beautiful young lady.
I did not get pictures of all of the attendants, but you can see how ornate the gowns were.
Decorations carried out the circus theme. The arrangements of roses were gigantic.
Silver punchbowls surrounded by rose petals held monogramed bottles of water. The large popcorn boxes were also filled with roses.
Other tables were laden with cookies.
These men were so dapper even in their jeans – loved the hats.
You could tell the people from Tyler – they dressed up. I loved how the children enjoyed the tea.
It was a good day for people watching. Friends and families were so proud of these young ladies and their escorts.
In the driveway sat a convertable decorated with longhorns and a garland of roses. I bet it was in the Rose Parade that was held earlier that day. Next time we hope to get to see the parade.
It was a beautiful day, and we enjoyed getting to attend The Queen’s Tea. What an experience. You never know what each new day will bring. Serendipity!
Blessings to you and yours,
Thank you Sylvia. We had a most wonderful day. I have more to share.