A big shout out to Ann and Rebekah. I asked you to send me pictures of your fall decor, and they did. Not surprisingly, their autumn displays are much, much better than mine. I promised I would share, and I am thrilled to let you tour their homes.
Both Ann and Rebekah have homes that are filled with personal memories. To hear them tell of the connections between family/friends and many of the items in their home is heartwarming. Everyone should hear their stories.
Bright orange pumpkins and a little scarecrow welcome visitors to Ann’s home.
The fall wreath on the front door is beautiful. Ann always has beautiful wreaths.
The sofa table in Ann’s home serves as an entry table. Ann is noted for her beautiful flower arrangements. She is so talented!
The runner on the dining room table is filled with pumpkins, fall leaves, pinecones and candles. The natural elements in her arrangement work well for fall decor.
I love the large pinecones on the dining room table and in this display on Ann’s buffet. Beautiful!
Rebekah’s lovely home is filled with such special memories. She describes her dining room as the “historical” part of her home because the dining room furniture once belonged to her in-laws. They bought this set in the 1930’s. Isn’t it gorgeous!
Be still my heart. I “heart” the double mirrors over her buffet. The angel on the buffet was purchased at the Basket Case (I do miss that wonderful gift shop.) by her husband.
This tapestry was also purchased at the Basket Case. It once hung in Rebekah’s office at Presbyterian Hospital where Rebekah served as Assistant to the Director of Nursing. I love her story of how her office was always available for weary doctors and nurses who needed a little down time.
“My office became the “rest stop” for doctors and nurses. It was located on the 5th floor of the main building and easily accessible. When a doctor or nurse needed a little down time, there would be a knock on my door, and I could see in their face frustration, sadness, weariness. There was always some project I could do on another floor for 15-20 minutes, so I would gather my notebook and coffee, hang my “Pausing to Refresh” sign on the outside of the office door and be on my way. There were always Hersey’s chocolates on my desk in a container that fit the season (the scarecrow on the entry table was my fall candy container). And I had a variety of teas from which someone could choose. So after 20 minutes I would come back and find an empty cup from tea or coffee, a few candy wrappers – and usually a “Thanks” written on a small post-it. I believe God allowed me those 10 years to be a resting place from the hecticness of their daily lives.”
Yes, I do believe God used Rebekah in those situations, and she continues to be a blessing to all who know her.
I bet the little candy container still holds chocolates. The entry flower arrangement was first used on her dining room table for Thanksgiving in 2000. For years, her family would travel to Texas for Thanksgiving, and this arrangement would be on the table.
“There are good memories around these flowers and I delight in bringing them out each year. The vase is a garage sale find for $2.00 – heavy glass and just the right height. I bought the table for a song and redid it 3 years ago. And the mirror is from my mother in law’s 1934 bedroom suite. I took it off the dresser and use it now on this table. The cane in the corner came from Ireland – it is just a plain piece of wood, but Chuck’s father had it since he was a child—–it was given to him by his father just to have as a play thing.”
I do love bargains – especially when they are so good looking!
Thank you both for sharing your homes. They are beautiful and filled with memories.
Blessings to you and yours,