It is September. School has begun. The official passing of summer – Labor Day – has come and gone. For weeks other blogs have been posting fall decor. I thought it time I got with the program. I love this time of year. Autumn brings such beautiful changes.
Initially, I thought I would only get out my white pumpkins and use them for early fall decor.
White pumpkins here.
White pumpkin there…
And there…
White pumpkins everywhere.
Now, I was on a roll. The “Fall Bucket” was open, and I began to visualize other options.
Greenery and earthy green pumpkins fill the large silver bowl on the coffee table.
Then I began working on a centerpiece for the dining room table. I ran out of white pumpkins, so a few other colors were added to this arrangement that is in my galvanized tray.
In fact, I added, and added, and added. If it was fallish, I think I used it. To put it mildly, the tray is full. I love the little fall fairy Super Sister gave me several years ago.
The acorn and fox ornaments were “clearanced out” last Christmas at Cracker Barrel. The antique butter dish is a favorite.
Now we are waiting for the cooler weather that has been promised for later in the week.
I love this time of year. Even with the grass withering, and the flowers fading, there is beauty and new life. There is so much for which to be thankful.
Blessings to you and yours,
For your information – In the tray there is:
Burlap runner, wooden dough bowl, crockery pitcher, Frankoma Pottery leaf dish, antique butter dish, copper pot, pewter bowl, fall fairy, acorn and fox ornaments, corn candles, pumpkins, gourds, and fall foliage. Nothing is new – Ever-Lovin’ liked that.
Now I can’t wait until the pretty pumpkins and gourds arrive. Did I say I love this time of year? I really do.