For ten years, from 1836 to 1846, the Republic of Texas proudly but precariously existed as a separate and unique nation…. The purpose of the Star of the Republic Museum is to collect and preserve the material culture of the Texas Republic (1836-1846) and to interpret the history, cultures, diversity, and values of early Texans.(Star of the Republic website)
The Star of the Republic Museum is located on the grounds of the Washington-on-the-Brazos State Park. It is on this site on March 2, 1836 that 59 delegates gathered together to declare Texas’ independence from Mexico. In this museum you can view artifacts and memorabilia from the days when Texas was a republic. The museum is most interesting and well done. It was funded by the Texas Legislature in 1972 because they thought it important to honor the birthplace of the Texas Republic. It is now owned and managed by Blinn College in nearby Brenham, Texas.
The Star of the Republic Museum is good. It thought this noteworthy:
Since 1972, the Star of the Republic Museum has held the highest honor a museum can receive: accreditation by the American Alliance of Museums (AAM), being one of the first museums in the state and nation to be so designated. Accreditation certifies that a museum operates according to standards set forth by the museum profession, manages its collections responsibly and provides quality service to the public. Of the nearly 8,500 museums nationwide, approximately 800 are accredited. AAM is based in Washington, D.C. and has served the museum profession since 1906. The Museum was re-accredited in 2010. (Star of the Republic website)
Pretty impressive isn’t it!
Welcome to Texas. As you enter the museum, there is a preview of the exhibits.
Cases upon cases were filled with historical objects and information.
The artifacts from the Texas Republic were amazing – letters from Sam Houston and Stephen F. Austin for example. For the children (and adults), there are plenty of interactive exhibits.
If firearms interest you, you will enjoy these.
I am always interested in dishes.
Can you believe? “We had a delightful trip with the exception…..” I like it. I love it!
Children’s items and toys were some of my favorite exhibits.
Several cases were filled with early medical supplies. I could not believe this peg leg. Wow!
The heirloom quilt made by Frances Grigsby Smyth (who was married to George Washington Smyth – a signer of the Texas Declaration of Independence) took my breath away.
Sweet Mother of Pearl! This is the earliest Lone Star Flag known to exist (1839). I loved seeing this flag. (Sorry about the reflections.)
To be honest, not all exhibits are from the era of the Republic. The Texas Rangers played an important role in early Texas History. There were Rangers that answered Col. Travis’ plea for help at the Alamo, and also died defending our freedom. This is a costume from the Lone Ranger TV show. There was other Texas Ranger memorabilia at the museum.
For those of you who do not grasp the Texas way of life and attitudes, I really have a hard time knowing what to say to you. I try to understand. Please try to understand us. Maybe a visit to the Star of the Republic Museum would help you. I know Native Texans will enjoy it.
No matter what you think, we can still be friends. After all, Texas is the Friendship state.
Blessings to you and yours,