Blue Bell Ice Cream’s motto – “We eat all we can and sell the rest.” That is the truth. If you work for Blue Bell Creameries, you can eat as much ice cream as you wish while you are on the job. What a perk!
While on our Texas tour, we stopped to visit the Blue Bell Creamery in Brenham, Texas.
Four dollars will get you a ticket to tour the Blue Bell plant and observed them making ice cream and snack bars. It was very interesting. Most of the different jobs were very repetitive, and to help the workers not get bored, they change jobs about every 20 to 30 minutes. We were not permitted to take pictures on the tour, but here are some interesting facts we learned.
Blue Bell gets it milk from cows within a 200 mile radius of the creamery. It takes 600,000 (that is not a typo) cows to supply all the milk needed each day.
The Visitor Center was also a museum. In this area were display cases filled with memorabilia from the early days of the company.
Along one wall was a timeline of the Blue Bell Creamery which began in 1907. I loved the old photographs. In the beginning they only made butter. By 1911, they began making a couple of gallons of ice cream a day using fresh local ingredients. Today they carry on that tradition of using fresh local ingredients.
At the end of the tour we were served ice cream. Yummy!
Ice cream for breakfast is the perfect way to begin a day. I liked it. I loved it. They do make the best ice cream. You can now buy Blue Bell ice cream in 23 states. Oklahoma and Alabama have Blue Bell Creameries. Breyers and Dyers brands are the number 1 and number 2 producers of ice cream in the nation because they are located across the United States in more states. Blue Bell is the third largest producer of ice cream in the U.S. Pretty amazing since they are in less than half of the states. Another interesting fact is that Outback Steakhouses serve Blue Bell. Thought yu would like to know.
It was great fun in the Ice Cream Parlor. The children were adorable in their soda jerk hats.
If you are near Brenham, the Blue Bell Creamery is certainly worth visiting.
Blessings to you and yours,
They gift shop has some good looking items for sale.
Someone in the family loves baseball. One room downstairs is devoted to baseball collectibles. There is plenty to see at the creamery.