Washington-on-the-Brasos is the Birthplace of the Texas Republic. The name sounds official – Washington, just like Washington, D.C. This birthplace of the Texas Republic is important to all who proudly proclaim citizenship in the grand state of Texas.
In this revered historic place, the Texians made their formal Declaration of Independence from Mexico.
On the grounds of this State Historic Site is a visitor’s center. The displays and exhibits here are well done.
Inside this visitor’s center are displays that provide a timeline of the Texas Revolution.
I especially liked this display next to a replica of the Texas Declaration of Independence. Many of the grievances were the same as the complaints in the United States Declaration of Independence, but they also added others. I loved that they cited the lack of free public education.
There is a nice gift shop with great Texas souvenirs. This building is also used for meetings and conferences. You can even get married here. In another building there are rooms that are used for educational purposes.
Be still my heart! Independence Hall is one of the most revered sites in Texas. It was in this small building that 60 men crowded together to sign the Texas Declaration of Independence.
The building has be reconstructed as it would have been in March of 1836.
The Texas Declaration of Independence was signed, and the government of the Republic of Texas was created, History was made here. Yes, this was another place that was on my “Want to Do” list. I am so glad we went.
Blessings to you and yours,