Some people have a special touch, and Super Sister is one of those people. Going to her home is always like getting to go on a fantastic home tour – there is always something new and wonderful to see. Some time back she redid a bedroom in her home. I had seen the furniture, but I had not seen the new bedding. FYI: This bedroom has to do double duty. It is an office space and also a bedroom.
Super Sister still needed a bed for when her Grands come to visit, but a large bed made the room crowded. The solution – a trundle bed was bought to provide more space in the room, and she still has the needed bed for company. I love the new wicker (?) chair that is in the corner. It does double duty as her desk chair.
Her computer is in the white cabinet, and can be hidden from view when necessary. She has had the small antique hall closet for many years. I love the detail on this piece.
I show this picture so you can see the dresser and the window treatment. Super Sister bought the furniture – trundle bed, dresser, and night stand – at Rooms-to-Go. (No, they do not know me. Just sharing.) Her home is filled with family photographs. See the pretty girl on the right hand corner of the dresser. That is another picture of Super Sister as a child. So pretty!
The valance is made from the same print material used in the bedding. I like it. I love it.
The mix of patterns and textures create a beautiful bed. The flower on the lamp shade is so neat because it is magnetic. The large blue flower is attached to a metal plate. A magnet is placed on the inside of the shade to hold the flower onto the lampshade. A rather plain lampshade is easily transformed. So good looking!
Here is a close-up of the pillows. Be still my heart. I like every thing about this grouping. I adore the blue chenille. Super Sister does have the magic touch.
The print and chenille were also used as a scarf and a throw on the end of the bed.
This room is calming, restful, and spacious – And just think, it is also her “office”.
Going to visit Super Sister is always a treat. I do not believe there is a better Bed and Breakfast anywhere.
Blessings to you and yours,