Worth a trip to New York City – I kid you not. Ferrara is “America’s oldest Pasticeria and Cafe”. It is celebrating its 120th anniversary. This bakery was established in 1892, and it is located in its original location. It is called, “Heaven in the heart of New York’s Little Italy”. (From their brochure.) Ever-Lovin’ kept reminding me that I needed to blog about Ferrara, and I agree.
Little Italy is little. It consists of only a couple of streets, and it exists mainly for tourist wanting to eat good food.
While we waiting to have lunch in Little Italy, the Greyline tour guide mentioned, “There is a world famous bakery called Ferrara one block down the street worth visiting.” No jive!
We did not know what to expect, but inside were cases and cases filled with the most delicious looking pastries.
Since we were waiting for lunch, we decided to get a few goodies to go. We chose mini-cannolis (Not shown, but small versions of those big canollis.) and some biscotti. Be still my heart. The chocolate cannolis are hand dipped in Belgian chocolate and so delicious.- the best I have ever eaten. I liked them. I loved them. I wish I had one right now.
The fifth generation of Lepore family bakers continue baking in small batches. The family recipes for pastry, gelato, cakes, and Pasticcio Fini are guarded secrets.
There are so many more goodies I want to try. I am seriously considering ordering online from Ferrara’s website ferraracafe.com. You can have these “bits of heaven” shipped to your door, but it might be about as reasonable to make another trip to New York City.
Blessings to you and yours,
I do know we will visit Ferrara again on our next trip to New York City. (If I say we are going again, maybe it will happen.)
Lunch was okay, but not blog worthy.