On the north end of Manhattan is Fort Tryon Park. Fort Tryon Park is home to The Cloisters – a museum that is like no other museum I have ever seen. The Cloisters is a branch of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and it is devoted to the art and architecture of Medieval Europe.
It snowed in New York City, and the garden path leading up to The Cloisters was a winter wonderland. Beyond beautiful! Ever-Lovin’ mentioned that it seemed fitting that we would walk through snow to get to The Cloisters – very medieval.
Various architectural elements from several different medieval structures create this building that opened in 1938. Even though The Cloisters is a modern building, it appears to be ancient.
For the Christmas season, this archway is decorated with garland. It reminded me of the Christmas decorations in Williamsburg, Virginia because the greenery is filled with pinecones, fresh apples, and nuts. Stunning!
As we walked into the various rooms, we would pass through magnificent entryways from Medieval Europe. The architectural elements are museum pieces. I do not know the stories behind each architectural piece or work of art, but I will share some of our pictures so you can get an idea of this remarkable museum.
More than 2,000 objects of art and architecture are displayed in this setting.
To think that these wooden doors have survived all these many years.
Through this doorway you can see one of the many tapestries in The Cloisters.
Perhaps the most famous is this tapestry of unicorns. Wow!
One entire room is a chapel from an abbey in France. All of the alter pieces and statues are authentic medieval works of art. Unbelievable.
Several ornately carved alters were displayed. Since most of the people were unable to read, the carvings told the Biblical stories.
Be still my heart. I love this little Mother and Child. There is so much detail in the carving, and it was absolutely beautiful.
Stained glass panels filled the windows.
A gorgeous angel.
This large figurine shows Jesus riding a donkey into Jerusalem. I wonder if this almost life-size sculpture would have led a procession during Holy Week?
The columns surrounding the courtyard are different and from various sources. It is amazing how all of these architectural pieces fit seamlessly together to create this museum .
If you ever go to New York City, please make plans to visit The Cloisters. It is amazing.
Blessings to you and yours,
I admit I am out of my league when trying to describe The Cloisters. Just know that it is well worth a trip to New York.